Prologue 8: School Time Refresher!

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《Dream Sequence》

~Its cold and dark..... Nothing but black, and as I wonder where I am, there's not a soul to be seen. When I look down to my feet I see I'm surrounded by what looks like black ink. I reach my out to see if it was real. But then a mirror is suddenly there like it's always been there. But to me it appeared out of thin air. The inside of the mirror looked dark, so dark I could hardly tell my silhouette reflection. Because it was dark it was hard to trust it but at the same time my gut was telling me to go to it.


"Huh...", a voice calling my name. Who is that voice? I look to my surrounding to see if anyone was there but still no one.

"Kalin..... Kalin...."

It was getting louder and louder the more it called but who is it and what do they want? The mirror, as if responding to my question answered after me by showing me a hand. The hand was pale and had black finger nails. It was pleading me to come forward. I was hesitant but I also wanted out of this place so I stepped forward.

"Kalin!!.... Kalin!!..."

"Wha...what is it? What do you want from me?", I tried following the sound of the voice.


"Ahh...", without realizing the hand reached out and grapped my wrist. I tried to resist by pulling back and urging the hand to let go but it was too strong for me. The hand then slid down to grasp my hand and for a second it gave a gentle hold but then quickly held tight to pull me in. Even so, I still resisted trying at my feet to hold my own. But I was slowly being pulled in. As if to push the pace, several more hands appeared out of the mirror one by one. Not everyone was the same, there were different skin colors in some and some even had different nail colors. One by one as I was closer to the mirror, a different hand grapped a different part of my body almost covering my whole. As this was happening the voice still called out to me, and I still wondered who it was.

"Kalin... Kalin!!!.."

Soon the different holds the hands had was too strong to resist anymore and they pulled me in with ease. I thought I was gonna hit the mirror glass, but it was worse than I anticipated. When my hand touched the mirror, it didn't just touch it also went through as if I was in a doorway with fog on the otherside. I was scared out of my mind more than before because I didn't know what was on the otherside. I felt like I couldn't breathe and it wasn't because a couple of hands had a hold of my throat.

"Please!!!!... Help me!!!!... No... Noo..Noooo!!!!!......."

I knew it was pointless to scream because there was no one around. But I thought the voice who called out would hear. But to my dismay, it didn't. That wasn't the end though, suddenly I hear voices inside the mirror as I was being sucked in. Almost all of my body was sucked in and I could almost make out of what they were saying.

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