Episode 1-26: Feelings Reconciled!

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"Riiiiidle!", the voice that was heard resembled Trey calling out.

"Gah!", Riddle.

"He's back!", Ace.  "Well, it's about time...  We were just about losin' our heads here-- figure of speech, sorry-- 'cause we thought you might never wake up!", Cater.

"*gasp*...  *gasp*...  What in the world happened...?", Riddle.

"Ah, Mr. Rosehearts appears to have regained consciousness.  Excellent.", Crowley.  "Don't worry, Riddle.  Just try to rest.", Trey.  "Yo, that's just the sort of coddling that led to him going nuts in the first place!  Now the garden is tore up from the floor up, not to mention that we could've died!", Ace.  "He's right.  It was looking bad for awhile there.", Deuce.  "For cryin' out loud.  When you humans let that stress build up, the results sure ain't pretty.", Grim.

"The truth is, I...  I really wanted to eat the chestnut tart.", Riddle.

"Huh?", Ace.

"And I don't care if the roses are white, or the flamingos are pink.  And I prefer honey to sugar cubes in my tea, and I like milk tea better than lemon tea anyhow.  And after a meal, I want to be the one sitting around talking with everyone...", Riddle spoke softly.

"Riddle...?", Trey.

"And I really wanted to play with you and Chenya more, Trey.  *Sniff*... *Sniff*...  WAAAAAAAH!", Riddle started to sob.

"Riddle Rosehearts, in tears....  I can't believe... that Riddle is sobbing like a baby...", Cater was bewildered.

"You think a few crocodile tears is all it'll take for me to forgive you?", Ace.  "Give the guy a break, Ace.", Deuce.  "Yeah, seriously.", I spoke after.

"I'm sorry, Riddle.  I knew you were suffering, and all I did was pretend not to notice.", Trey.

"*sob*", Riddle tears kept flowing out.

"So I'm gonna say what I should have said earlier.  You way of doing things was wrong, and you owe everyone an apology.", Trey.

"*sniff*... *sniff*...  I'm sorry...  I'm really sorry.", Riddle sobbed out his words.

"I know I've been saying I wanted an apology from Riddle, but now that I got one, y'know what?  One stupid "I'm sorry" doesn't even come close to making up for what he did!", Ace shouted.

"DUDE!  You're going to say that right now?!", Cater.

"And proud of it!  Have you forgotten how he made a total fool outta me?!  Have you forgotten how he just threw away that chestnut tart we worked so hard on?!  That ain't something you can make go away with a few tears and a flimsy "I'm sorry"!", Ace.

"Wow.  I ain't never met anyone who was better at holdin' grudges than I am.", Grim.  "Yeah, you're definitely right about that.", Kalin.

"Then...  Then what do you want me to do?!", Riddle still had a little sob in his voice.

"You know...  I don't got a birthday coming up anytime soon.", Ace.

"Huh?  What are you talking about?", Deuce.

"So I demand a do-over for the unbirthday party!  Except this time, we ain't gotta do squat.  This time, YOU'RE the one who brings the tart!  And no getting Trey to make it for you!  Do that, and then things are square between us.", Ace.

"Even though you got help yourself...", I walk up to him and say this with a teasing grin.

"Quiet from the peanut gallery!  What do you say, Riddle?  We clear?", Ace.

"Yes...  We're clear.", Riddle.

"Ah, yes.  Compromise is a beautiful thing.  I believe that concludes this matter.", Crowley.

Grim was about to jump off my shoulder when he noticed something.

"Eh, Kalin, why are you starting to cry now?", Grim.  "Huh?", I check my face and some tears started to fall when I approached my eyes.  "...I guess...  I am, but I don't know why.", I was confused.  One by one everyone started to notice.

"Whoa, whoa.  Kalin, you sure your ok?", Cater got concerned.

"I-I'm fine, really.  I don't know why this is happen-", the tears kept coming slowly and I wasn't even sobbing.  "Maybe you hurt yourself back there somehow.", then Deuce approached trying to take a closer look.  "Or maybe he's trying to give favor to Riddle's side since he cried too.", Ace.  "Only you would think that, and like I said I'm fine, nothing's wrong.", I repeat myself while trying to wipe off the tears.

From a distance, I could see a glimmer of a small smile from Riddle as single drop of a tear slid down his cheek.  Maybe seeing me cry for no particular reason made him feel a little better about himself.  Seeing him cheer up a little gave me some relief.

"I don't know what's weirder, seeing Riddle cry and sob, or seeing you give tears.", Grim jumped off my shoulder saying this.  I gave a counter look, but then the guys couldn't stop checking on me to see if I'm hurt anywhere, which made Grim grin to the side.  Ace followed along to giving a grin at my displeasure.  This is the most embarrassing I've had to deal with.

*(!) How long have I been teary-eyed and why did it start in the first place? (!)*

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