Episode 4-34: Aquatic Support!

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"Hoo boy.  Kalin, you really go for the jugular sometimes.", Grim.

"I'm with Little Shrimpy on this one.  Sea Otter, you're, like...  TOO nice.  It's kinda grating.", Floyd.

"Huh?  Is it?", Kalim.

"Yes.  If I were betrayed by someone the way you were...  I'd lash out with a torrent of unmitigated verbal abuse to break them down mentally, then bind them and drag them beneath the waves.  The way you blame yourself and try to excuse his behavior is, quite frankly, a tad galling.", Jade. 

*(!) I gotta remind myself to NEVER go on Jade's bad side... (!)*

"Galling?  Really?  But, I mean...  Jamil would never betray me, ever.", Kalim.

"Uh, news flash: he did.  In fact, he was gonna make you out to be the bad guy and get you expelled.  He's an enormous dirtbag!", Floyd.  "When it comes to underhanded ploys, Azul at his worst still couldn't hold a candle to that.  That's quite a feat, you know.  It's okay to hold your head high and denounce him for the traitor that he is.", Jade.

"That's... not much of a compliment...", Kalin.

*(!) Yes, all of that is true, but... I wasn't trying to be that harsh.  Not even trying to get a dig at Azul, though I guess that's there habit in their unique relationship. (!)*

"You carry yourself like a goody-two-shoes, laughing off conflict with a flippant word or two.  To twisted individuals like myself and Jamil...  Ah, I mean, to calculating individuals, those remarks are like barbs digging under our skin.  I'd say you've been pushing Jamil ever since your formative years.  It's not your fault in the least, of course.  You were born into a very high social class.  As showered as you were with affection from your family and everyone around you, you grew up with honesty and integrity.  An upbringing like that would make anyone take certain things for granted.", Azul.  "I would argue that in Kalim's case, it might simply be a case of a naturally innocent disposition.", Jade.

"Oh...  So Jamil is... bad?", Kalim.

"Yes, he is.", Kalin.

*(!) Though I still keep thinking about that vision I saw with Jamil as a kid...  What he did was wrong, that I'll admit but I still can't help but feel there's still more to the story.  That's what I got from the vision but not even I know what it means truly. (!)*

"In that case, I'd better get back fast!  I must punch him and yell, "Traitor!"  I owe him that much.", Kalim.

"One punch ain't enough!  You oughta also make him march to the oasis and back ten times!", Grim.

I then put my hand on Kalim's shoulder.

"Hah ha.  Yes, do that.  But don't worry, we will bring him back.", Kalin.

I smiled to him to give him reassurance because I can tell that Kalim still wants to save him regardless of him betraying him.  Kalim smiled back at me with a nod.

"That, and we need to bring him to his senses fast.  If we don't, his life will be in danger.  We have to get back before his magic reserves run dry.", Azul.  "That puts right back where this conversation started.  How do we get back?  Walkin' really fast?", Floyd.

As I heard them, soon they started to sound far away.  Along with that, my head felt hazy, almost wobbling.

"My nose is gonna freeze over if we stay out here much longer!", Grim.

"Hm?  Kalin?  Hey, your looking a bit pale.", Kalim.

I could barely hear him as he was in front of me.  I try to respond that I'm fine but it seems my body decided to speak for me this time.  My body starts to fall back as I couldn't hold myself up anymore.  

Before Kalim could panic and reach for me, my fall was caught by Jade who was behind me.  He then kneeled me down slowly, holding my shoulders near his chest.  Azul then came down to my level and removed his glove.  I felt his hand touch the side of my face.

"Hmm.", Azul.

"What is it?  What's wrong?!", Kalim.

"She's as cold as ice, maybe more.  Apparently she's more prone to the cold than I anticipated.", Azul then puts his glove back on.

"So what does that mean...?", Grim.

"It means if we don't hurry back, Jamil won't be the only one whose life is in danger.", Jade.  "Kalin, can you still hear me?  Nod if you understand me.", Azul.

I could hear Azul faintly, so I try my best to nod.  But the more I move, the more I start to get drowsy.  I then felt a slight of fur touch my hand.  I could feel it was Grim's paw.

"Myrah!  She is really cold!", Grim.

"She can still hear us, but she's starting to close her eyes.  We need to find a way back and fast.", Azul.  "If there was a river, we could swim back.  Sadly, the rivers around here are all dried out.", Jade.

"So a lack of water is the problem?", Kalim.

"Yes.  Floyd and Jade can easily outpace brooms when they're in their true forms.  But we can't exactly restore a dry river...", Azul.

"Maybe you can't, but I can.", Kalim.

"Huh?!", All three of them.

"Oh y-yeah, your unique m-magic...", Kalin.

Seeing me speak a little gave Kalim some ease.

"My unique magic, Oasis Maker, can produce an enormous volume of water with just a smidgen of magical power.  If I make you a river, you can get us back to the dorm, right?", Kalim.

"Huh?!", everyone from Octavinelle were shocked by Kalim's words.

"Y-you mean to tell me THAT'S your unique magic?!  That's insane!", Azul.

"Aha ha!  It's pretty useless when we've already got running water.", Kalim.

"Don't "aha ha" me!  Some countries don't HAVE that sort of infrastructure.  Your power would make you nothing short of a hero to those people!  That's...  That's...  ABSURDLY marketable!", Azul.

"*Ahem*  I think we can leave Azul to his get-rich-quick fantasies for a bit.  Kalim, if you would oblige us?", Jade. 

"You just need a river, right?  Okay!  I'm on it.", Kalim.

He then waves his magic pen into the Scarabia staff and casts his unique magic.  As he does this, the twins try not to get me wet too much, preventing it from getting worse.

"Holy mackerel...  The river's fillin' up with water right before our eyes!", Grim.

Not only that, Azul held me for a moment as the twins transformed into their eel forms.

"Let's get moving before the water freezes over, Floyd.  Now, Azul and Grim, grab hold of my back.", Jade.  "Little Shrimpy and Sea Otter, you're with me!  And make sure to not let Little Shrimpy fall off, Sea Otter.", Floyd.

"Got it.", Kalim then lends me a shoulder and helps me to get onto Floyd's back.  For extra security, Floyd told me to wrap my arms around his neck as Kalim would make sure I don't let go or fall asleep.

"Wait, but I thought Azul was a merman.  Can't he swim himself?", Grim.

"Azul isn't a fast swimmer, even in his mer form.", Jade.  "Yes, well, not all of us have tailfins like yours.  Now, off we go to Scarabia!", Azul.

After everyone settled in, we set off faster before we noticed the water drops hitting our faces.  Even with the cold, I try my best to keep my arms on hold and not to lose my grip.  Kalim held onto my shoulders to support him and me.

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