Episode 4-14: Extravagant Water!

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As we arrived at the oasis, seeing this scene seemed very familiar.

"I've seen this scenery in my dreams.", Kalin.

*(!) Wait...  This looked like, in the dream with Kalim, the same scenery when we arrived in the magic carpet.  But there something missing from this one as I see it.

No water. (!)*

"Hey, Kalin, what're you starin' off into space for?  Did the heat get to you?", Grim.

Grim jumped up onto my shoulder and appeared into my view.

"I'm fine, Grim, I was just takin' a breather.", Kalin.

I proceeded to pat Grim's head as thanks for showing concern, resulting in a slightly purr.

"Everyone, halt!", Kalim.

With that heed, everyone proceeded to stop like a domino effect down the line.

"Phew.  We made it at last!", Grim jumped off my shoulder.

He then just plopped onto the sand since he couldn't stand anymore.

"We will take a fifteen-minute break.  Then we march back to the dorm.", Jamil.

"Finally, some water...  Wait.  What kinda bizarro oasis is this?!  It's empty!", Grim.

He just realized after lifting his head a little to see the oasis before him at a closer look.

"Water?  You say you want water?", Kalim.

"Hm?", Kalin.

"Uh, duh?  My throat's dry as a bone.", Grim.

"Then water you shall have... and I'll make it cool and refreshing for you!  Respite in the scalding sands, a neverending party.  Dance!  Sing!  Oasis Maker!", Kalim.

With a wave of his magic pen, it transformed into the magic staff with a head of cobra head coiled around the head point.  After his incantation, with the sun still out, drops of rain began to pour all around us.

"Oooh!  Sweet, merciful rain!", Grim.

"I was feeling like a withered husk for a minute there, but this water's refreshing me from the inside out!", Scarabia Student A.  "Ahhh...  I needed that.", Scarabia Student B.

It did feel refreshing with every drop, but then I felt a weird change to my arms, as if my arms just went through a cool breeze.  When no one was looking, I quickly peeked under my sleeve to see my wrists and hands.  For a quick moment, I saw the scaly patches were receding back into my skin with the touch of Kalim's water on my bare wrists.  Giving a quick feel, my skin felt normal, and no traces of any scales.

"No way...  Just like that?", Kalin.

*(!) All morning, I tried when I could to rub on it or cleanse it with water before leaving.  But nothing has worked... until now? (!)*

"You really like it?  If water's all you want, then I'll produce enough to fill this whole oasis.  That's my unique magic, Oasis Maker.  It allows me to expend a little bit of magic power to produce large volumes of the finest water.", Kalim.

I then overheard Kalim talking with Grim nearby.

"Y'know...  Making a buncha water seems really low-key for a unigue magic.  There are plenty of other magic spells that let you conjure water...", Grim.

"I beg to differ.  The point of Oasis Maker is it's efficiency.  It produces a lot using a very small amount of magic.  Back before the advent of running water, one would have had to draw their own water and boil it to sterilize it.  A spell like mine would have been a tremendous boon back then.  But I guess you're right.  Now that running water is a widespread service, it's not the most useful of spells.  Aha ha!  But hey!  I'm still confident that the water I conjure is the finest, most delicious water in all the land.", Kalim.

"Now that you mention it, it's basically the perfect temperature.  Not too cold to drink, but not lukewarm, either.  And it goes down all nice 'n smooth, like fresh spring water.", Grim.

"Since when are monsters water aficionados?", Jamil.

"Don't get me started...", Kalin

"Hey, I resent that!  I've got a discerning palate for everything!", Grim.

"I figured!  I was right to hope you would appreciate the difference.  Here, have a cracker as a treat.", Kalim.

He pulled out one of his extra cracker snacks from his pockets, and handed out to him.

"Erk!  I'm hungry, sure, but this ain't the best time for dry and crumbly foods!", Grim.

After he refused, a couple of the other students came to make small talk with Kalim.

"He's acting differently than he was before we set out.", Kalin.

*(!) Is he back to his sunny disposition from before? (!)*

"Now that ya mention it, it's like those were two different guys.", Grim whispers to me when he climbs my shoulder.

"Hm?  Did you say something, Kalin?", Kalim.  

Kalim out of nowhere showed up behind me as if he was there behind me the whole time.

"Oh, nothing.  I was just thinking how impressive your unique magic was and how it helped everyone here.", Kalin.

"We'll it's no problem.  I'm glad to use it anytime, even for Grim and you, Kalin.  Aha ha.", Kalim.

"Kalim, our fifteen minute are just about up.  Let's assemble the students and get back to the dorm.", Jamil.  "Already?  A little more time to catch our breath wouldn't hurt them any.", Kalim.  "The sun will rise higher if we take too long.  The hotter it gets, the worse our trip back will be.", Jamil.  "You've got a point.  Okay, guys!  Let's get back to the dorm and have breakfast!  Back to marching!", Kalim.

On the way back was a bit hotter than before, but thanks to Kalim's water magic, it almost felt like a breeze going back.  But to be safe, when no one was looking, I would sneak a peek at my wrists and see if the scales would come back.  But they didn't, not even when we came back to the dorm.

*(!) Things keep getting stranger and stranger.  Was this a fluke?  An allergy from this dorm?  Or was it a one time thing?

Whatever that was, I can't deal with it for I have other problems to focus on. (!)*

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