Episode 1-28: Finale for Heartslabyul!

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~Heartslabyul Dorm - Tea Garden~

A few days later...

*Trumpet sounding*

"All hail our leader, the Red Sovereign himself... Housewarden Riddle!", Heartslabyul student annouces.

"We salute you, Housewarden Riddle!", all the students.

"Hm. The garden roses are red, the tablecloths are white... This seems a proper unbirthday indeed. Is there a dormouse asleep in the teapo-- Er, well, I suppose it's fine either way.", Riddle. "Not everything has to change completely, you know. Like, maybe, spread the jam on your scones, instead of on the dormouse this time? Let's try to set the bar at "it's great if it's this way," not "absolutely has to be this way.", Trey. "Yes, that makes sense.", Riddle.

"*Sigh* I can't believe we got roped into cleaning up and prepping the garden again.", Ace. "Well, at least the housewarden recovered from his overblot without any complications.", Deuce.

"The garden is looking super photogenic so I'm super satisfied.", Cater

"Blah blah blah! Let's just eat already!", Grim.

"Then eat we shall! I'll get the--", Cater.

"Wait a minute!", Riddle

"Huh?", Cater.

"There's a white rose...!", Riddle.

"We missed one?!", Ace. "Ace, Deuce, I told you to make sure to paint EVERY rose!", Cater. "Wait, this is our fault?!", Deuce. "R-Riddle, listen...", Trey.

"Oh no. Not again...?!", I start to panic.

"Well... I suppose I can overlook one or two missed roses.", Riddle just laughs a bit.

"R-really?! That's so generous of you, Riddle!", Cater.

"If we work together, we should be able to get them painted in no time.", Riddle.

"What? They still gotta be painted?!", Ace. "Even so... I'm impressed. You've changed, Riddle.", Trey.

"I'm starvin' here! Let's just get these stupid roses painted or whatever!", Grim.

"All right, is everyone ready?", Riddle.

We start to gather around the missed rose trees. This time, me being the only having to use a brush to paint. But it's not so bad since I think I'm used to it by now.

"When's the last time you did the painting, Riddle?", Trey. "Hard to say. I've let the dorm members handle it since I became housewarden.", Riddle. "It's kinda fun once in a while. Well, less so with a bunch of clueless freshmen.", Cater grins.

"Hey! Do you mean us?!", Ace. "After all the painting I've had to do, I'm about to wipe the floor with Riddle!", Grim.

"Heh. We'll see about that.", Riddle.

This time, it was more fun than work doing this again since everyone took their time, except with Grim, and even Riddle was having a good time with it. He even helped me a little get in some good brush strokes on some difficult roses.

"That coat of paint is much too thin! Make it thicker-- and don't miss anything!", Riddle.

"Y-yes, sir.", Deuce. "You're still so demanding! I thought you were finally gonna chill out some.", Ace.

"He might chill out a little, but he wouldn't be Riddle if he weren't a perfectionist.", Cater. "Like I always say: if you're going to do something, do it perfectly. I want the very best party! And that means no cutting corners!", Riddle.

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