Episode 2-8: An After-School Mission!

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After entering the school, we asked about the recent accident victims and the portraits have told us their most likely in the school infirmary.

"All right, where's this guy who hurt his ankle.", Grim.

"Huh?", Heartslabyul student A.  "Hey, it's the ones from Ramshackle House!  They were at the unbirthday party!  What are you guys doing here?", Heartslabyul student B.

"Get a load o' that!  We're totally famous!", Grim.

"We'd like to ask about your accident.", Kalin.

"I wish I knew what happened myself, man.  I was walking along, talking to my friend.  And next thing I knew, BOOM!  I was tumbling down the stairs.", student A.  "Yeah.  I didn't even see him stumbling or anything.", student B.  "It was like my body just lurched forward by itself.  I can't really explain it.", student A.

"Hm.  Hmmm.  Interesting.  Veeery interesting.", Grim.

"Thank you for your cooperation.", Kalin.

As we leave into the halls.  "Let's go interview the next victim.", I say to Grim.  He jumps up unto my shoulder and we made our way to one of the classrooms.

"Hey, you.  You had an accident and almost got hurt real bad, right?  Give us the details.", Grim.  "Grim, don't ask directly like that.", I try to tell him, but he was ignoring me.

"And why should I answer to you, exactly?", Pomefiore student A.  "He was in peak condition for the Magift tournament and got hurt so bad that he can't even play now!", Pomefiore student B.  "And you're here to... what, rub salt in my wound?  We throw down the gauntlet!  Duel us!", student A.

"*Sigh*  Grim, you ready.", Kalin.  "You bet I am.", Grim leaps off my shoulder and meets them both head on.  I wasn't in the mood for more battles, but if he talks after this, might as well.

Grim was using both wind and water magic against them.  Only once did he use fire magic.  Despite the tough act they put on, it wasn't too long before the battle was over.

"Hmph...  You're better than I thought.  All right, then.  I'll tell you about that day.", student A.  "It happened in the laboratory.  We were boiling up a potion when his hands suddenly shot out and grabbed the screaming hot cauldron.  He dumped out every last drop.  It was bizarre!  Made a real mess too.", student B.  "Oh, so YOU'RE gonna do all the talking?!", student A.

"Hm.  Hmmm.  Interesting.  Veeery interesting.", Grim.

*(!) Indeed, this is... (!)*

"Hope you feel better soon.", Kalin.  After that we decided to head back.

Heading down the hall to the normal route to get to our dorm, I just remembered that I needed to drop by Mr. Sam's shop, so I turned back.  Grim was still walking and turned around to notice me going the other way.

"Hey, Kalin, the dorm's this way.", Grim.  "Yeah, I know.  But I need to drop by Mr. Sam's shop first.", Kalin.  "Ooh, can I get a can of tuna, then?", Grim then followed me.  "Only if you don't cause a fight on the way there.", Kalin.  Grim jumped unto my shoulder.

We arrived and there a few students around looking to the walls and different items.

"Hi, welcome.  How are you doing?", Mr. Sam greeted us at the register.

"Hey, one can of tuna!", Grim.  "Not yet, Grim.", I put my hand over Grim's head.

"So what'll be?", Mr. Sam.  "Do you have anything that can hold a majority of photos and possibly organize them in order, like an album?", Kalin.  "Hmmm.  Now that I think about it...  Give me a minute.", Mr. Sam went to the back room to look for something.

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