Episode 2-12: Territory Breakthrough!

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"Shoot!  They're chasing us!", Deuce.

Even after their great combo, they managed to get through it in time to almost catch us.

"Hey, couldja stop, friends?  Just for a second?  We just wanna chat!", Floyd shouts out.

"Decidedly, no!  Full retreat!", Riddle.  At his word, we ran as fast as we could, harder than ever to outrun them.

"Awww...  They're gone.", Floyd.  "Heh heh.  I do so enjoy a brisk midday jog.  Alas, we'll have to pick up another time.  Come.  We need to prepare the lounge for tonight.", Jade.  "Bummer.  But all right.", Floyd.  As they went in the other direction.  "Say, Jade, that tiny one looks interesting, don't you think?  Heh heh.", Floyd.  "Oh?  You mean the new freshman from Ramshackle Dorm?  Heh heh, yes indeed, Floyd.", Jade.


We kept on running until we made it to Main Street.

"*Pant* *pant*...  That was terrifying.  What is the deal with those guys?!", Grim catching his breath.

"I'm not the one to ask.  Those two have baffled me since we were freshman together.", Riddle.

"Messing with them seems like a reeeal bad idea.", Cater.

"If I were the culprit, I know I'D steer clear.", Ace.

"Then it's off to the next name on my list!  It's getting late, so let's make this the last one for today, 'kay?  It's Jack Howl: freshman, Savanaclaw Dorm.  Rumor has it that he's a great athlete.  Scouts from all the major teams are fighting to sign him.", Cater.

"Classes are over, so he should be at the dorm.", Deuce.

"Oh, is it 5:00 already?  Rule 346 says that "croquet must not be played after 5:00 p.m."  I should head back to Heartslabyul and make sure that no one is breaking the rules in my absence.", Riddle.

"Tch.  I thought you'd rounded out some, but nope, you're as square as ever.", Grim.

"Th-that's not true!  I assure you that I've become much more lenient about enforcing the rules.", Riddle.  "He really has.  He's way nicer than before.  And we all appreciate that Riddle diligence.  So go do what you gotta do, Boss!", Cater.

"Then I guess the rest of us are headed to Savanaclaw House.", Ace.

We headed back to the Hall of Mirrors, and from their we entered through the mirror with flaming torches, and skeleton bones decorated on the edges of the stone door.

"Huh...  So this is Savanaclaw.", Deuce.  "Whoa, did they carve this place into a mountain?  And check out these huge bones!  I wouldn't wanna meet whatever animal they're from.", Grim.

"Couldn't be less like Heartslabyul.", Ace.  "No kidding.  Even the air here feels so... primal.  It's like we've left the bounds of civilization.", Cater.  "So what's this Jack guy look like?", Ace.  "Apparently he's got wolf ear's, silver hair, and a big, bushy tail too.", Cater.

"A big, bushy tail...  Wait, you mean like that guy runnin' laps over there?", Grim points him out to where we can see him jogging beyond the rock in front of us.  And he seems to be making his way in our direction.

"Whoa, good eye!  There's no way that's not our boy.", Cater.  "And I thought those twins were big!  This guy's HUGE!", Ace.  "No wonder all the scouts are after him.", Cater.  "With that build, he'd be an asset on any team.", Deuce.

"Let's just hurry up and talk to him.", Kalin.

*(!) Seeing his ears and tail is just like when I saw that student at the orientation ceremony.  It made me feel happy for some reason and I'm nervous of letting it show if we talk to him long enough.  That would be humiliating. (!)*

The others went ahead of me as I was in thought of talking to him going badly.  That is, until Cater noticed me staying behind a little.

"Gettin' a little nervous there, Kalin?  Don't worry, just relax!  I got your back.  I won't let the big bad wolf bite you.", Cater comes to me and gives me gentle push with his arm, moving me forward.

"Hey, you!  Mr. Scowls-a-lot!", Grim.

"...Huh?", Jack.

"Just wanted to let ya know somebody's probably gonna try and hurt you.  But don't worry-- Grim the Great will protect you!", Grim.

"What?  Look, don't bother me when I'm training.", Jack.

"*sigh*", Ace.  "THAT'S your approach, Grim?  I can't even count all the ways that was terrible.  If you were on Magicam, I'd totally unsubscribe from your feed.", Cater.

After he says that, I scoop him up into my arms, keeping his mouth shut.

"Mmmph!  Mmmmmph!", Grim struggles against my hold, so I quickly used one hand to pinch his ear a little to keep him quiet.  Luckily the gloves I wore worked, otherwise I would've been burned again.

"Sooo sorry about that, Jack.  Listen, could we have just a minute of your time?", Cater.

"What's this all about?  You said you wanna protect me from something?", Jack.

"A lot of Magift tournament hopefuls have been hurt in "accidents" on campus lately.", Deuce.  "And we're trying to figure out who's behind it.", Ace.

"Go on.", Jack.

"To put it bluntly, our plan is to stake out some of the criminal's prospective targets.  What do you say?  Will you give us a hand in catching this guy?", Cater.

"......  No.  I can take care of myself.  I don't need your protection.", Jack.

"Being alone right now could be dangerous.", Kalin.

"......  I told you, I don't need your help.  And besides I doubt I'm gonna be a target.  Seeya.", Jack looks at me for a moment, says his words, and then leaves to continue his jogging.

"Aaaaand he's gone.", Cater.

"Well, can't say I didn't warn him.", Grim was able to speak once I removed my hand, but still held onto him before he makes more trouble.

"Yeah well, you might want to reconsider your approach there, bud.", Ace.

"Hrmph!  You humans are so finicky about every little thing!", Grim.

"Hey, what are you lot doing here?", a Savanaclaw student called our attention.  We saw he brought a few others with him.

"You're a long way from Heartslabyul House.", student B.  "Heh heh.  Probably lackeys sent by Mr. Red Baby!", student C.  "You think you can just barge onto out turf and walk away without payin' the price?", student A.

"Wow, anyone else having deja vu...?", Deuce.  "Fine, we're leaving.  Sorry to bother you.", Ace.

"Aww, don't be like that.  Play with us first!", student B.  "Let's play Predator and Prey!  Guess who gets to be the prey?", student C.

"Cut it out, you three.", Leona.

*(!) Oh no...  I know that voice! (!)*


Back at the main dorm house, a figure comes out to observe what's going on out front.  He climbs on top of a rock a little farther from them, unnoticed, making himself a seat to watch closely.

"Hmmm.  How interesting.  Looks like our "king" has found new prey batches on our front door.  What will you do now, Kingscholar?", the person says.

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