Episode 3-17: Amateurs in the Deep!

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After picking up Ace and Deuce on the way to the Mirror Chamber...

"Hey, Kalin.", Ace.

"Yeah, what's up?", Kalin.

"Tell me, what's with the outfit?", Ace.

That stopped me for a loop with that question, and then I turn to him.

"Huh?", Kalin.

"What kind of question is that?", Deuce.  "I'm just curious.  Since you said you don't like showing your legs because it's embarrassing and all'.", Ace.  Then Deuce looked at my long skirt and realized where Ace was getting at.  Meanwhile, Jack just looked at us confused about the conversation going on.

It was embarrassing hearing him mention it again.  But seeing as the long slit revealed my leg, I had to admit it was kinda embarrassing to look at.  Although it was more comfortable because I have stockings on.  With mini shorts underneath should anything happen to the long wrap-around skirt with a single long belt holding it up.

I look back to Ace and Deuce who were waiting for an answer since I kinda did make a big deal about it that day.  But I was serious about what I said, it's just feels silly admitting it and explaining again.

"I mean, yeah, I said that.  But I have stockings on, so it's fine.", Kalin.  I try to blow it off casually like it didn't bother me.

Seeing them not really convinced with that response, I decided to change the subject and move on.

"Well, what are we waiting for?  Let's get going, we're losing daylight.", Kalin.

"She hates the skirt idea but she's ok with wearing that?", Ace whispers to Deuce.  "I don't get it either...", Deuce whispers back.

"What..?  Skirt?", Jack interludes in.

"We'll explain it to ya later, Jack.", Ace.  Deuce nods in agreement.

"Hey, keep up you guys, or were leaving you behind!", Grim yells out to them as I caught up to him when he ran ahead earlier.

When we reach the Mirror Chamber...

"Will Azul's potions really let us breathe underwater?", Deuce.

I took out the potions Azul provided out of my bag, along with small cups for all of us to drink out of since we only got three.  After today, I may have to make a pit stop before making my way to Savanaclaw tonight to pick up more.

"Only one way to find out.  We'll have to chug 'em and see for ourselves.", Jack.  "Okay, on three.  One, two... three!", Ace.

Well all drink our fill at the same time, but it did pack a punch.

"Whew... That was...", Deuce.

"NASTY!  It tastes like someone mixed together dried frog and rotten mushrooms!", Grim.

"How would you know what that tastes like?  *cough*  It's a... powerful flavor. all right...", Jack even struggled with it's "unigue" taste.  "What genius decided that potions have to taste like crud, anyway?  Someone oughta fix that.  *Burp*", Ace.

Just swallowing it was a power struggle.  I just hope we can get this done in one go before having to do this again.

"Shouldn't we be more worried about efficacy than flavor?  W-wait a minute.  It's... getting harder to breathe...", Deuce begins to grasp his chest.  "Are our lungs adapting to breathing underwater?", Jack.  

Grim and I were having the same problems gasping for air.  I started to lose the feeling in my legs as they gave out first for some reason.  Even though he was struggling to breathe, Deuce took notice and grabbed my arm and over his shoulder to hold me up.  Grim held on tight to my arm.

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