Episode 3-24.5: A Side Investigation!

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When arriving back at the Savanaclaw dorm, I was in the lounge when I saw someone pass by. It was Seth, and he was heading towards the dormitory rooms.

"Hey, Kalin, your back.", Grim showed up as he saw me. "Grim, wanna go on an investigation with me?", Kalin. "Hm? Sure, but why? Ah, does it have to do with Azul and the Leech brothers?", Grim's eyes lit up. "Something like that. But for now, follow my lead.", Kalin. "Hey, I don't take orders from you--", Grim. I look back at Grim with an unamused look and about to leave him. "Hey, wait for me!", Grim ran up to catch up to me.

We tailed Seth from a bit of a distance until he went into his room.

"If your gonna follow me, you may as well come out.", Seth says before going into his room.

"Mryah!?", Grim. "How long did you notice?", Kalin. Me and Grim come out of hiding.

"Since coming in the dormitory, now are you going to need something? If not, then go snoop on someone else less sensitive to sounds.", Seth.

He disappeared into his room, and Grim and I quickly followed before the door closed.

Seth was lying on his bed, and looked as if he could care less if we were there or not.

"Is Taika working with Azul?", Kalin. I spoke upfront to make things quick since I could tell Seth was not in the mood for long chit-chat "Huh? Why ask about him?", Grim. "Because I've been seeing him around the Mostro Lounge ever since we got involved in this deal business. Not to mention, he was with Azul before I made a deal with him.", Kalin. "Oh, yeah. Come to think of it, I'd see him just hang around a bit when I do my work in the lounge. But maybe he wanted answers for a future quiz or something?", Grim.

"He wouldn't do that.", Seth.

"Hm?", Kalin.

"He'd never stoop so low to get test answers. If he's not practicing magift with the dorm or practicing his magic, then he's off in the library for hours reading different text. He doesn't need a measly deal to get what he wants.", Seth.

*(!) That explains why I was able to find him in the library. (!)*

"So then why is he visiting Mostro Lounge?", Kalin.

"How should I know? He does what he wants.", Seth.

"Aren't you his friend?", Kalin.

"No, I'm his roommate and I don't ask what he does with his time.", Seth.

*(!) Yeah, I highly doubt that. (!)*

"I don't think that's completely true.", Kalin.

"What makes you think I'd know anything?", Seth.

"Cause I have a feeling he talks to you about things more than anyone else in the dorm, much less the school.", Kalin.

Seth was quiet, and then he sighed and started to turn to his side, showing his back to us.

"Sorry, can't help you.", Seth.

"What?", Kalin. "Why is everyone here at Savanaclaw such unhelpful jerks?", Grim. "Why not?", Kalin.

"Even if he did tell some things, what makes you think I'd tell you? If you can come up with the reasoning that Taika is working with Azul, I'm sure you can figure it out on your own.", Seth.

"Well, if your not gonna tell me about him and Azul. Can I ask you something else then?", Kalin.

"Hm?", Seth.

"Why doesn't Taika like humans who can't do magic?", Kalin.

Seth perked his head to give a side glance at me. I waited hoping he would tell me, because hearing from Cater got me curious as to why. After giving some thought, he sat up and looked directly to me.

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