Episode 4-8: A Friendly Personality!

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Before we could go back to the dorm...

"Okay, training done!  Now let's be off!", Kalim.  

This time, he succeeded in grabbing hold of my hand and was pulling me behind him as we ran off.  Grim soon followed after.

"Wait, you've got other work to-- *sigh*", Jamil.


After running a bit down the halls...

"Maaan, this place is FAN-CY!  Nothin' at all like Ramshackle Dorm.", Grim.

As being the supervisor for the dorm, I felt a inner jab at me as he said that.  He wasn't wrong per say, but did he have to mention it.

"Is it really that impressive to you?  I know that back when I enrolled, Dad said he donated a bit to the school to give the place a fresh coat of paint, but...", Kalim.

"Geez, how rich are you?!  Are you some kinda prince like Leona?", Grim.

"The Asims aren't royalty, and I'm not a prince.  I've got some relatives in the royal family, though.", Kalim.

"Wait, Asim?  I thought your name was Al-Asim.", Grim.

""Al" means "son" in the ancient language of the Land of the Scalding Sands.  So we name families after the founders that start them...  And all the men of that line refer to themselves as the founder's son.  In my case, Asim is our honored founder's name, and "Al" means son...  So Kalim Al-Asim means Kalim, Son of House Asim.", Kalim.

"Huh.  I never thought much about where names come from.  Fascinatin'.", Grim.

"I hope that wasn't too in-depth for you?  Anyway, feel free to just call me Kalim.", Kalim.

"This place really is a melting pot of students from all over.", Kalin.

*(!) It's fascinating to hear about different cultures all in one place. (!)*

"You should pay the Land of the Scalding Sands a visit sometime!  I'd be happy to have you as a guest.", Kalim.

"I bet you live in some kinda fancy mansion that's halfway to bein' a castle.", Grim.

"Oh, hardly.  We only have around a hundred helpers.", Kalim.

""Only"?  In what world does that deserve "only"?!  I've only got one hench-- Myrah!!", Grim.  "Ahem!", Kalin.

I pick him up by the scruff before he could finish and set my other hand ready to stretch his cheek.

"I-I mean, I have only myself here.", Grim.

When he finished, I softly put him down.

"Well, we're a big family.  We need at least that many people to look after them all.", Kalim.

"What, you have THAT many siblings?!", Grim.

"Yeah, so many I quit counting.  I do remember all of their names and faces, though.  Aha ha!", Kalim.

"You guys do everything on a whole other level...", Grim.

"Jamil's mom and dad are among our servants.  So Jamil's always around and looked after me ever since he was a young boy.  And he is seriously amazing, believe me.  He's smart, thoughtful, and most of all, he's a great cook!", Kalim.

"The proof of that last one's in the puddin', for sure.", Grim.

"You see?  You should stay over for dinner tonight!  Come on!", Kalim.

Kalim then walks ahead down the hall.

"Uh, sure...  Yeesh, talkin' with this guy throws me off.", Grim then turns to me.

"You don't find people this nice at our school every day.  It's still hard to believe after meeting all the guys we met so far.", Kalin.

We both nodded to this statement.

*(!) But I'm just waiting for something to happen, since something usually does in each dorm.  But when he mentioned Jamil as a young boy.  So does that mean that was Jamil as a child I saw in that vision after all? (!)*

"Hey, you two!  What are you hanging back and whispering for?  Come on, this way.", Kalim.

When we caught up with him, Kalim opened these huge doors revealing something you'd find in an adventure game.

"Sweet mother of loot!  What IS this place?  It's got piles of treasure taller than I am!", Grim.  "Taller?  You could literally climb it.", Kalin.

"This is all stuff Dad sent with me when I departed for school.  I couldn't possibly fit it in my dorm room, so it's all kept here in the storeroom.", Kalim.

"This ain't a storeroom!  This's a whole treasury!", Grim.

"Ooh, you know some big words, Grim.  Very impressive!  My favorite out of all these treasures is, of course...  Huh.  Where'd it go?  Sometimes it moves around on its own.  Hey, where are you?", Kalim.

He went further in the room looking for whatever he was calling for.

"Wooow...  Huge gemstones just scattered on the floor, shiny golden goblets...  With this much stuff, surely no one would notice if one little thing went missing...  Myeh heh heh...", Grim.

*poke poke*

"Kalin, I'm kinda busy!", Grim.

"Huh?  I didn't do anyth--", Kalin.

When I turn around to Grim, I froze as soon as I see what was poking Grim.

"Grim...", Kalin.

*poke poke*

"Yeesh, whaddaya want?  I'm tryin' to-- GYAAAH!  Th-the carpet's movin' all on its own!  It's been possessed by a ghost!", Grim.

Grim then drops what he's holding, and immediately darts and leaps to behind my shoulder to hide.  I stood speechless as I couldn't believe what I was seeing before me... a flying carpet?

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