Episode 4-10: A Late Night Surprise!

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It was awhile before we returned to the dorm.

"Man, that was a BLAST!", Grim.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Goodness, though-- it's already dinnertime.", Kalim.

"Kalim!  You're finally back.  I'd like to review something before dinner.  Could you join me for a moment?", Jamil.  "Sure thing.  Kalin, you and Grim can just make yourselves comfortable in the lounge.", Kalim.

"Alright then.  Let's go Grim.", Kalin.

He soon perched up on my shoulder and we soon met with the other students.


"I'm famished.  What's for dinner tonight?", Scarabia Student A.  "Our special training today was rough, huh?", Scarabia Student B.

"Ramshackle Dorm gets a cold breeze blowin' in through cracks in the walls.  Compared to that, this place is paradise.  And Kalim's a real pal.  I oughta join Scarabia!", Grim.

*(!) How long is he gonna keep comparing Ramshackle to Scarabia?  Practically any dorm is in better shape compared to Ramshackle.  But I'm trying to fix  certain areas where I can and when I can.  That is if Crowley doesn't give me too much to do around the school. (!)*

Soon Jamil, followed by Kalim soon approach the lounge.

"Is everyone present?  The housewarden has an announcement for you before we eat.", Jamil.

"He does?", Scarabia Student A.

"Oh yeah, Kalim was talkin' about that.  He's callin' off the special training and lettin' Scarabia have their winter break.  I bet the students will be overjoyed.  Too bad I can't keep feasting here over the holidays, though!", Grim.  "And just like that, he's back to wanting more food.", Kalin.

"......  I decreed that the students of Scarabia would stay in the dorm over winter break for a voluntary six hours of daily studying, if you recall.  But I've realized something.  That's nowhere NEAR enough!", Kalim.

"Huh?", all of us reacted to this new claim with shock.

"Kalim?  I thought you were going to send the students home.", Jamil.

"That's practically the complete opposite of what you said before!", Grim.

"A mere six hours a day won't be anywhere near enough to close the gap between our dorm and the others.  We must work twice-- no, FIVE times as hard as the others to drag ourselves out from dead last in grades!  Starting tomorrow, I'm tasking all of you with five hours of study time and four hours of practical training each day.", Kalim.

"You're giving 'em NINE HOURS of training a day?!", Grim.

"There will be a defense magic training drill after dinner.  Eat up and ready yourselves!", Kalim.

"Y-yes, sir!", Scarabia Students.

"Kalin, Grim-- since you two are visiting, your participation is mandatory!  Is that clear?!", Kalim.

"Whaaa?!  Why do we hafta join in?", Grim.

"Okay, this is getting weird." Kalin.

*(!) What's gotten into him?  He wasn't like this not even two minutes ago? (!)*

"......", Jamil.

*(!) Black ink builds up... (!)*

"Rghh...", Kalin.

I clutch my chest a bit, feeling the same sharp jolt of instant pain that I've had numerous times before.  But this time, it feels like there's a bit more sting to it.

"Hey, you ok, Kalin?", Grim.

"Yes, I'm fine.  Just a bit of discomfort.", Kalin.

"Well, it better be because were about to drilled to the bone in their training regime.  And I don't think I could handle it at all if your benched!", Grim.

I pat Grim's head softly to put him at ease.

"Don't worry Grim, I'll be fine.  We're just gonna have to pull through after we eat.  So just eat up what you can.", Kalin.

"Yes, right.  That's what I should do.", Grim.

He then proceeded to going back to eating his fill from his bountiful plate.  Now that the moment of pain is over, past patterns and this striking pain confirms my suspicions.

*(!) Something is definitely going on here. (!)*


*(!) Hey, it's been a long while.  Which is why I published ten chapters from chapter 4 at once so you'll have plenty to read as I edit more along with my other stories.  I look forward to making more chapters and I hope you'll enjoy reading them.  Happy reading! (!)*

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