Episode 5-18: An Arrow Invitation!

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The next day...

"*Huff*  Trein caught me napping in Magic History.  Now I've got extra homework!", Ace.

"He's using a sleep spell on us so he can load us up with more work.  I just know it!", Grim.

"I put a rubber band on my wrist to keep myself awake.  Any time I start to get sleepy, I pull it back and snap it.", Deuce.  "That seems kinda drastic.", Ace.

"Then aren't you guys glad we made up our alchemy lab assignment yesterday?", Kalin.

Ace and Grim gave me a small glare as for what happened yesterday.

"Don't you mean when YOU made us work on that lab assignment?", Ace.


We were leaving for our dorms after the auditions were over.  But as Ace and Deuce were heading to their dorm mirror...

"...!" Ace/ Deuce.

They were both stopped as I caught a hold of their collars.

"Hey, what's the deal, Kalin?", Ace.  "You didn't have to stop us like that.", Deuce.

"C'mon what's the hold up?  I wanna eat, my stomach is screamin'!", Grim.

"You do remember there's an assignment we need to make up for, right?", Kalin.

"Whaaat?!", Ace/ Deuce.

"Hey, I don't remember such thing.", Grim.  "Of course you don't...", Kalin.

"C'mon, do we really have to do it now?  That audition took a lot out of us.  There's no way we have the brainpower to do alchemy now.", Ace.

"I know, but you guys agreed that when auditions are over, we would do it then.", Kalin.

"No, DEUCE said we could do it afterwards.  I never agreed to that.", Ace.  "I agree that we do need to work on it, but I have to agree with Ace that I'm too exhausted from auditions.", Deuce.

"Hmph, guess you'll have to do it alone, Kalin.", Grim.  "I see.  Not even... if I buy you guys some food from Mr. Sam's shop?", Kalin.

"Come again?/ What?", Ace/ Deuce.

"I was gonna say we grab food at Mr. Sam's shop and head to the alchemy lab to get the assignment done.  That way it'll be out of the way, and it'll be a distraction from thinking about the results tomorrow.", Kalin.

"......", they all stood silent as they thought about my offer.

"But I guess if you don't want free food, then I guess we can head back to the dorms then.", Kalin.

I then head to exit the Hall of Mirrors, back to Ramshackle.

"Myah?!  No, wait, Kalin.  I want food.  I'll do anything, if you just give me some food!", Grim.

"Yeah, wait up, Kalin.", Deuce.  "Hey, don't leave me behind.", Ace.

~Flashback End~

"Yes, you paid for food, but we didn't get done till nightfall.", Ace.  "We barely made it back in time for curfew...", Deuce.

"At least we got it done, and it's out of the way.  It won't be so much work if you have just that.", Kalin.

"She does have a point.", Deuce.  

Ace just gave a look at Deuce.

"Yeah, not only that, but then you made us do the extra homework from Professor Crewel when we got home!  I barely got any sleep last night!", Grim.  "That was because of YOUR doing, and now that it's done you can sleep plenty tonight.", Kalin.

"Oh yeah, on another note...  Isn't today the day they're announcing who passed the VDC auditions?", Ace.

"It's almost lunch break, and we ain't got any news.", Grim.

"If we haven't gotten anything yet, do you think we're out?", Deuce.

"Did we flunk the audition...?", Kalin.

*(!) I mean I know it wasn't completely perfect, but it felt like it was our best performance yet. (!)*

*Whistle*  *THUNK*

"WHOA!", All.

As I was in thought, it was all of a sudden that something flew by us.

"Wh-what was THAT?!  What just flew by?!", Ace.  "It buzzed past the tip of my nose!", Deuce.

"There's an arrow in the wall!", Kalin.

*(!) Did someone fire an arrow from outside?! (!)*

I tried looking around to see who fired that arrow, but I couldn't see anyone who was holding a bow or crossbow.

"Myah!  An arrow?!  What if there's an assassin out for our blood?!  Aah!  Kalin, look, look!  Your hair!", Grim.  "Huh?", Kalin.

I look to where Grim was pointing to, and he was right.  Part of my hair was cut on the tip of my right side.  Then I see some of my cut hair on the floor.

*(!) It must've been so fast, that I didn't notice... (!)*

"Woah!  Any closer, and it would've hit....", Deuce.

"Myah!!  There really IS an assassin out here tryin' to get us!!!', Grim.

Grim then climbed quickly onto my shoulder.

"Where do you think we are?!  Wait, hold up.  This arrow's got a note tied to it.", Ace.  "Say what?!  Is it a challenge?", Deuce.  "You need to stop assuming everything's a fight.  Let's see here...", Ace.

Ace then unties the note attached to the arrow.


"Thank you for taking part in the Vocal & Dance Championship auditions."  "The following two students have passed our rigorous screening process..." "Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade."  "Please report to the Pomefiore ballroom after school today."  ...Wait, what?", Ace.  "...We passed?", Deuce.


"Th-that means we got selected for the ensemble, right?", Deuce.  "What else would it mean?  Sweet!  Now we don't have to help the housewarden!", Ace.

"Mrooow!  What about me?!  My performance was top-tier!", Grim.  "I guess that's that then...", Kalin.

*(!) Sorry, Grim... (!)*

"Ah, hold up.  There's more.  "P.S.: To Kalin of Ramshackle Dorm."  "We have news for you, so please report to Pomefiore with the two addressees."  ...That's it.", Ace.

"Why would they name me?", Kalin.

*(!) What kind of news could it be?  If Grim and I didn't get selected, then what else is there for us?  Why me? (!)*

"I guess we're all heading over to Pomefiore after school.", Deuce.

"Mrow...  My four thousand cans of tuna...", Grim.  "Hm...", Kalin.

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