Episode 3-33: Reduced to Naught!

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"You there-- give me your lightening magic!  And you, give me your athletic ability!  Give it all to me!  All of it!", Azul.

"AAAH!", Scarabia Student.


"What's Azul sucking outta these people!?  They're all collapsing after he's done with 'em!", Ruggie.  "Looks like his unigue magic spell sucks EVERY power out of someone if it's not channeled through a contract.  I'm betting the contract is like a filter that limits his magic's effects.", Leona.  "What?!  Kinda terrifying, don'tcha think?", Ruggie.  "Yeah.  The backlash from using taboo magic like that is gonna exceed his blot tolerance in no time.", Leona.  "This isn't gonna be easy to stop him...  Not at this rate.", Taika.

"Azul!  What are you doing?!", Jade.  "Whoa, yikes.  What's goin' on here?", Floyd.

"Dude, this does NOT look good!", Ace.  "Is Azul going out of control?!", Deuce.  "Looks like he's sucking different students' powers outta them by force.", Jack.  "Eeep...  Leona!  You were bullyin' him, weren't you?!", Grim.

"Now you're blaming me?  You're the ones who told me to turn the contracts into sand.", Leona.

"...Oh, no.", Kalin.

The pain in my chest tightens from seeing Azul go into this state of emotion.

"Jade!  Floyd!  Ahhh, you've finally come back to me.  Would you believe that thanks to these FOOLS, I've lost all of my contracts?  Which is why I'm going to need your powers now.  Come on, give them to me!", Azul.

"Hold on.  Your unigue magic is so powerful, it's impossible to control without a contract scroll.  You know better than anyone what will happen if you do this!", Jade.

"But I lost it all, you see?  Everything!  Aha ha...  AHA HA HA!  I'm going to revert back to my old self if I don't act now!", Azul.

"Y'know, Azul, I never saw you as lame before.  But now?  The way you're actin' is pretty lame.", Floyd.

"Ooohhh, is that a fact?  I'm just a silly little octo-twerp who can't do anything on his own.  That's why I'm going to take everyone's powers.  I will rise above your perceptions.  A beautiful singing voice!  Powerful magics!  All of it, MINE!  Hand it all over at once!", Azul.

*Magic overflowing*

The screams from the other students could be heard as more magic was being absorbed from them to Azul.  But in that process, black ink-like substance formed and came out of Azul.

"What's all that black gunk drippin' outta Azul?  That... ain't ink, is it?", Floyd.  "He's using his unigue magic spell too much.  The blot is exceeding his cumulative tolerance!  If he doesn't stop... ...he's going to overblot!", Jade.


Black ink fills up as it overflows from Azul.  His magic pen was turning from light dilute blue to darker than coal black.  The blot substance was overflowing immensely, and along with that he transformed into his true form in the process.  Like the others before, a big black shadow formed itself behind Azul.  Which could mean... *

Azul was in his octo-form, and his eyes was glowing bright blue.  His skin turned mostly black and having dark lavender on his torso, hands, and face.  The shadow behind him also had a octopus form, except she had a cracked jar with ink spilling out for a head.  A crown sat on top, and she held a dark trident.  Seeing this form almost distracted me from the pounding in my chest.

"Azul...", Kalin.

"Myah!  His legs turned into octopus tentacles!", Grim.

"That's Azul's underwater form.", Jade.  "What's that behind him?  It's so big, I couldn't squeeze it if I tried.", Floyd.

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