Episode 1-17: A Rule Slip!

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"Whoa, hold up!  Is that one of your rules too?!", Ace.  "Yeah!  If you want the tart gone, let me eat it!", Grim.

"Housewarden, allow me to apologize.  I was the one who suggested making a chestnut tart.", Trey stood up.  "I was part of that too.  We had no idea there was a rule about it!", as did Cater.

"The making of the tart is not the issue.  The issue is bringing it HERE.  Today.  THAT is the transgression!", Riddle.

"How can you live by such foolish rules?", I was starting to get annoyed by this crazy rule obsession.

"What did you just call me?  "Foolish"?!", Riddle looked at me with a glare.

"Everyone, stop!  Don't dig this hole any deeper!  And Riddle, please try to remember that these are new students who've only been here a few days!", Cater warns us, but also tries to persuade Riddle.

"Nah, bro.  I've got a shovel and I am DIGGING.  Throwing away a tart to obey some insane rule is about as foolish as it gets.", Ace added in.  "I agree with Ace.  Of course, I understand that rules do need to be followed, but...  This is going much too far.", Deuce joined in too.

"Are you attempting to debate me?  Bold move.  But I'll bite.  By breaking even the smallest rule, you are throwing wide the gate to anarchy.", Riddle.

"Everyone, I know you're afraid of getting your magic sealed away, but you know this is insane, right?", Ace speaks out to the other students.  "N-no, we, uh...", one of the students stutters.

"Well?  Isn't it?", Riddle.

"Far from it, Housewarden Riddle, sir!", the same student states his answer.  "We trust in your judgement, sir!", the student next to him added.

"You little...", Grim.  "You spineless, fair-weather cowards...", Ace.

"In the year since I became housewarden, not a single student from Heartslabyul House has dropped out or been held back a year.  We are the only house that can boast such a feat.  Furthermore, of everyone in this dorm, I have the best academic standing.  Hence, I am the most correct!  If you would simply obey me without question, we wouldn't need to contend so.", Riddle states.

"Listen, we-!", Deuce tries to step in.

"It's not off with their heads because *I* want to do that.  I do it because rules must never be broken.", Riddle.

"......", Trey was silent when I saw him stand there, but his expression was stern.

"If you will not obey me, then I will have all of your heads!", Riddle.

"Okay, let's all say, "Yes, Housewarden Riddle.", Cater suggests to everyone including our group.

"...I can't.", Deuce answered.  "Me neither.", as did I.  "I don't bow to self-important tyrants!", Ace.

"What did you just call me?", Riddle.

"He called you a tyrant for wantin' to destroy good food just 'cause you're throwin' a tantrum!", Grim responded in a roundabout way.   "Guys, I don't think we need to escalate this-", Deuce.

"Off!  With!  Your!  Heads!", Riddle used his unique magic.

"Bwaaaaaaah!", now both Grim and Deuce had collars like Ace.

"No!  Not the collar again!", Grim.  "Gah!  I can't get it off!", Deuce struggles.

"Trey!  Cater!  Eject them from the premises!", Riddle ordered.  "...Yes sir, Housewarden.", both Trey and Cater.

"Y-you're supposed to be our "mentors"!", Deuce.

"Sorry, but we can't disobey our housewarden!", Cater.  "Sorry, man...", Trey answered almost quiet.

*(!) Does he... know something? (!)*

"Oh, that's how it's gonna be?  Then bring it on!", Ace.  "......", Trey said nothing.  I looked at him with a curious look, and he didn't look my way.

As much as we resisted, we weren't a match for two third years at once.  So we we're inevitably kicked out the front door leading to the mirror.

"Well then, Ace and friends, see ya later!", despite what happened, Cater still tried to be nice and cheery.  "We'll try to calm Riddle down, so maybe he'll let you back in the dorm after you apologize.", Trey spoke calmly.

"I will NEVER apologize!  Not to that numbskull!", after Ace says that, Trey and Cater went back into the party.

~Heartslabyul Dorm - Tea Garden~

"Hmph.  Now, let's get this party back on track.  After all, we still need to have the croquet tournament.  And now we're fifteen minutes behind schedule!  This is outrageous!", Riddle.  

"Yes sir, Housewarden Riddle.", Trey.  "Are you really okay with this, Trey?", Cater asks.  "What do you expect me to do about it?", Trey responds.


A few more drops of ink fills up...


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