Episode 3-12: A Housing Bind!

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Both Grim and I headed headed down the stairs with what stuff we could carry on ourselves, which was very little.  As expected, the twins were still downstairs waiting for us.

"Are you two all set?", Jade.  "Peace, Little Shrimpy and Baby Seal!  See you around!", Floyd.  "And if you're in need of lodgings, feel free to come and speak with us.  Reservations for guest rooms in Octavinelle Dorm start at 100 madols a night.", Jade.

*creak*  *SLAM*

And with those last words from them, we we're officially evicted out of Ramshackle Dorm.  Grim and I could only be stuck outside the gate with nowhere to go for the night.

"Hey!  Wait!  Say that to my face!  NOBODY CALLS ME A BABY SEEEAAAL!", Grim.

"*Sigh*...", Kalin.


A gust of wind hit us as if the humor in our situation gave us pity...

"Brr...  Guess we're roughin' it tonight.  This stinks.", Grim.

"And whose fault is that?", Kalin.  Grim looked more glum at that mention.

Next thing we hear is a group of footsteps coming our way.

"Hey, Kalin!  Grim!", Deuce.

"Myah!  Are you guys here to help?", Grim changed his mood real quick.

"Hm...  Not to help you, but it's kind of our fault that Kalin is out in the cold.  It wouldn't sit right with me if you slept outside and caught a cold or somethin'...", Ace says in a roundabout way.

"Ace...", Kalin.

"What is it with you and posturin?", Grim.

"We've talked with Housewarden Rosehearts.  We can offer you a place safe from the elements if you don't mind sleeping in our four-man freshman dorm room.", Deuce.

*(!) Wait...  Four-man room? (!)*

"You guys are gonna cram ANOTHER two bodies into a crowded four-man room?  What, does Heartslabyul not have any empty rooms?", Jack.

"Since nobody in our dorm ever drops out or gets held back, it's always at full capacity.", Deuce.

"Then... why don't you come to Savanaclaw Dorm instead?", Jack.

"HUH?!", All of us were shocked by Jack's idea.

*(!) Sleep... at Savanaclaw!?... (!)*

"I acted like I was doin' you a favor by sticking around for those negotiations with Azul, but I didn't actually contribute at all.  And considering how much we owe you for everything that went down at the Magift tournament, Leona and the others won't make a peep about it.", Jack.

"Jack...", Kalin.

*(!) I realize he's trying to help, but...  ...something tells me otherwise. (!)*

"Oh-hooo...", Deuce made a little grin.  "Daaang.  I never knew you were such a big softie, Jack!", Ace did the same.

"You learn something new every day!", Grim.

"D-don't get me wrong, okay?!  I want our next round of exams to be on a level playing field.  It's in my best interests for Kalin to win that bet with Azul!", Jack.

After seeing that reaction, I couldn't help joining them in their teasing.

"Uh-huh.  Heh heh.", Kalin.  Made a small grin of my own.  Jack caught notice of me and gave me a flustered glare.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say.", Ace.  "Kalin and Grim will probably sleep way better there anyway.", Deuce.  "Yeah, their options at our dorm would be a spot on the floor or sharin' a bed with me or Deuce...  Y'know, that IS still on the table.  Juuust sayin'...", Ace closed in on me with his teasin' grin.

"Eh?!  That's not--  I mean, i-its's not that I--", Kalin.  I struggled getting out a response because of the thought of sharing a bed with either of them.  The more I thought about it, the more my face felt flushed.

"Ha ha!  It's cool.  I was kidding anyway.", Ace laughed it off.  Deuce gave out a little smile.

*(!) It didn't feel like it...  He got too much fun out of that one. (!)*

"Great, then we'd better get back.  It's almost midnight as it is... *yawn*", Jack.

"Okay, see you tomorrow.", Ace.  "Have a good night.", Deuce.

"Night.", Kalin.

After that, Grim and I followed Jack back to his dorm.

"Oh, yeah?  By the way, did you get anything from Taika?", Kalin.

"Uugh, no, not really.  He just brushed it off and just said to "If you want to know about it so badly, why don't you just ask Leona?".  After saying that, he went his way.", Jack.

"Hmm, Leona, huh?", Kalin.  "Yeah, and knowing the housewarden, he won't answer so easily.", Jack.

"Hm?  What's this about?", Grim popped up on my shoulder.  

So I just explained to him the stuff that happened while he was a dishwasher sponge on the way to Savanaclaw.

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