Prologue 2: Ceremony Breaking!

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(Here are students of Night Raven gathered in a hall awaited to be sorted into dormitories with the dorm leaders to supervise.)

(Moments before the headmaster arrives)

Students are chatting among themselves as they wait for the ceremony to be over.  The hall is filled with floating coffins decorated beautifully with designs alongside the lid.  The coffins surrounded along the corridor of the room lit up with lanterns on top of the columns.

One of the dorm leaders speaks up.

"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments?"  A redhead wearing the same black robe and violet inside with hood up.  He had a serious look to him and had opaque blue gray eyes to match.

"Listen up new students.  Here in Heartslabyul I am the rules.  Break them and its off with your head."  He spoke in a strict voice that may have made some of the heartslabyul first years quiver a bit.

"...Uuuughh.  The stuffy ceremony is finally over.  We're going back to the dorm.  Savanaclaws, follow me."  A man with tan skin yawned out in a tired tone.  Over his hood he had lion ears and he wore his robe a bit loose compared to the other dorm leaders.  He swayed the Savanaclaw students to follow and finally leave this place.

"To the new students, congratulations on entering this academy.  Enjoy your life here to its fullest.  As the dormitory leader of Octavinelle I will support you to the best of my ability."  Another man with silver hair dressed with waves and  wears glasses spoke up addressing his students.

"By the way, where did the dean go?  He flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..."  A man with blonde hair and violet tips questioned in concern for the duties the headmaster supposed to be overseeing the ceremony to welcome the first year's.  He's not too thrilled about his disappearance.

"Abandoning his post..."  A floating device with a voice speaker added to the blonde man's comment.

"Did he get a stomachache or something ?"  A man with ruby eyes and silver hair questioned.

*!!!Door busts open!!!*

"Not at all!"  Crowley comes upfront defending his presence as if he heard the whole questioning on his authority.  Most of the students got startled by his entrance and some of the dorm leaders just nothing of it as if he has a habit of doing this sort of thing.

*(back to the mc's pov)*

"Ahh.. he's here."  The redhead spoke as if he's not too excited or disappointed that he arrived.

"I cannot believe you all.  We were missing one new student so I went to find them."  I followed behind Crowley and only to see a huge crowd of other students waiting.  This not only felt awkward because I was late and being the last to arrive but also because it was all boys and no girls at all.  Suddenly I really felt I didn't belong so tried to hide my face further in my hood by tugging on it down.  But the headmaster came to me and spoke.

"You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory.  I shall watch over the raccoon, step in front of the Dark Mirror."  He then gave me a small push to walk on forward.  As I did I noticed the whole crowd watching but I tried to not let it get to me.  What worried me more was what the Dark Mirror was like.

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