Episode 3-10: Collateral Demanded!

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We made our way into the VIP room of Mostro Lounge...

"What IS this place?  Are we really still on school property?  Look at that huge vault...  It's like some kinda bank.", Jack.

"All right, that's enough rubbernecking.  Please, have a seat.", Azul.

He went to sit on one of the couches in the middle facing each other while Jack and I sat in the opposite side of him.

"So, what would you like to discuss with me?", Azul.

"I'd like you to free the students you've indentured.", Kalin.

"Ha ha ha!  Goodness me.  That's quite the demand to make right out the gate.  You would ask me to release all 225 students from their contracts with me?", Azul.

"You bamboozled that many people?!  That's nuts!", Jack.

"Yes, well, Jade and Floyd did a bit of proactive market outreach this year.  Thanks to that, I've had no shortage of clients ready to strike up deals with me.  Now, Kalin-- as for your request to free these students...  I am not forcing them to labor under any undue duress.  They made a contract with me, and they willingly consented to the terms laid out in writing.  Contracts are ironclad agreements not subject to intervention from outside parties on any emotional basis.  "Poor, unfortunate souls" they are not.  To put it more bluntly: your protestations will avail you nothing, no matter how much you might kick and scream.", Azul.

*(!) Guess I have no choice then... (!)*

"Fine.  Let's make a deal.", Kalin.

"Wait, what?!  Have you lost it?!", Jack.

"Oho.  You want to make a deal with me?  Now there's an interesting proposal.", Azul was definitely amused given his smile.

"Aha ha!  Little Shrimpy's got some guts!", Floyd.  The twins were standing behind the couch Azul was sitting in.

"Hm.  Now, while your interest is duly noted...  There's a wee bit of a snag.  You see, Kalin, my understanding is that you have no innate magical power.", Azul.

*(!) Yeah, I had a feeling he was gonna go there...  But I need to try anyway. (!)*

"You're not gifted with a beautiful voice, nor are you heir to any kingdom.  You're an utterly run-of-the-mill human in every possible way.", Azul.

*(!) Yeah...  You didn't have to put it so bluntly. (!)*

"Considering the big ask you're making of me, I would need considerable collateral.", Azul.

"Such as?", Jack.

"Hm, I don't know...  Just off the top of my head, how about usage rights for Ramshackle Dorm, which is presently under Kalin's supervision?", Azul.

"Huh?", Kalin.

*(!) He wants my dorm?!  And why do I have the feeling he didn't just think of it... (!)*

"Hey...  Was that your whole angle from the--", Jack.

Jack was soon cut off by a huge slam of the door opening.  We all turned to see it was...


"Grim, how long have you've been there?", Kalin.

Grim was covered head to toe with soap bubbles.

*(!) Ace wasn't kidding about the dish soap... (!)*

"I can't TAKE it anymore!  My fur ain't for washin' dishes!", Grim.

"Ducking out of work to eavesdrop on others is hardly employee-of-the-month behavior, Grim.  Floyd, eject him.", Jade.  "Can do!", Floyd.

Floyd reached for Grim by picking him up for his scruff.  No matter how much Grim squirmed, his hold was tight and not budging.

"Now, now.  Let's not be hasty, gentlemen.  Kalin, the lone student at your dorm has weighed in on the matter.  What say you?  Will you put Ramshackle Dorm up as collateral and make a contract with me?", Azul.

"Pleeease, Kalin, I'm beggin' here...", Grim moans as he's still held up by Floyd.

"Kalin, don't do it!  You know he's just gonna name some unreasonable terms you could never possibly meet.", Jack.

All eyes were on me, especially Azul with his hard persuasive stare at me.  And Jack hanging over me wasn't making the pressure any better.

*(!) But Jack did have a point there.  That's how Ace, Deuce and the others got roped in so easy for Azul's scheme.  They didn't pay attention to the consequences of the contract.  But at the same time because of my lack of magic and no other significance about me that he would want, the Ramshackle Dorm is my one chance to have a go at his game.  So instead, I'll... (!)*

"Let's hear the contract terms.", Kalin.

"That's the sporting attitude I like to see.", Azul.

"Hey!  Are you serious?!", Jack.  He put his hand on my shoulder with his reaction trying to get me to listen to him.

*(!) Sorry Jack, I know the risk, but it's something I have to do... ...for them. (!)*

"Here's the deal...", Azul.

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