Prologue 15: Severe Spot!

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We we're able to get away from the ghosts barely...  But I hope that's all the problems that is to be dealt with while we're here because we don't have much time to get that crystal.

"This place is haunted with ghosts, too!", Ace.  "We don't have time to deal with them one by one.  Let's go!", Deuce looks back to Ace.  "Don't think you can just order me around.  If you hadn't done something so idiotic we wouldn't be in this mess.", Ace barked back at Deuce.  "You wanna talk about who started it?  It's cause you wouldn't clean!", Deuce replied.  "It started when that furball burned the Queen of Hearts' statue!", Ace.

Oh boy, here comes another argument.  I spoke too soon about having too much problems to deal with.

"Ffgnya!  That's what you get for making a fool outta me!", now he got Grim involved again.  "All of you!  Do you understand our situation right now?  We're all expelled if we don't get back with a magic crystal by tomorrow morning!", Deuce was trying to the group to focus, but he just made it worse.  "So stop patronizing me.  It's really ticking me off.", now both Ace and Deuce we're about to butt heads.  I tried stepping into between them and push back to stop.  "Settle down you three.  Fighting about it isn't gonna help the situation.", as I said this, I was also trying to block Grim when he jumped on my shoulder.



We all froze as we heard a growling sound.  We slowly looked behind us in the dark space further in the cave.  The sound was getting louder.  "W-what's... this voice?", Ace asked while I felt him shaking a little.


"I think it's.. getting closer...", now I feel Deuce shaking too.  But the more I heard it I was too.

"Stone.... IS MIIIIIIIINNEEE!!!", it's formed appeared before us.  It was a large monster with a form dressed in red clothing and having a jar for a head.  What was creepy though was that there was ink coming through the crack in the middle.  It also had a brown hat on top, and no facial features, just ink in the jar.

"I-It's heeeeeeere!!!!", we all screamed before making a run for it.  "What the heck is that thing!?", Deuce.  "Fffgnnaaaaaa!!  Crowley didn't say anything about that!!  Let's get outta here!", Grim was trying his best to run to the front of us.  "It's so nasty!  But didn't it mention a "stone"!?", Ace said the magic word to make all of us think back to what we we're after.  "Eeh!?", Grim the first to stop.  

", won't... give...!!"


"So there really are magic crystals left!", Deuce sounded a little relieved.  "N-n-n-n-nope!  Nope!  I'm a genius but I can't beat that thing!", Grim jumped back to the back of my shoulder trembling.  "But we'll be expelled without it...  I'm going!", when Deuce stopped he started to walk the other way.  When he did Ace and I turned around.  "You've gotta be kidding!?", Ace.  "It's impossible by yourself!", i tried to stop by grapping a hold of his arm and pull him back.  With any strength I had, he just pulled away easily.  "I cannot, under any circumstances, be expelled!", Deuce made his claim before going forward.  Ace went after him, meanwhile Grim was tugging my shirt to run, but I wasn't gonna leave them behind.

So much for no problems piling one after another...

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