Episode 2-4: Dangerous Accumulation!

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"Hey, Headmage, what's the deal?  What does fightin' ghosts got to do with blot?", Grim asks.

"Direct your attention to the magestone on your collae, Mr. Grim.", Crowley.

"Myah?!  My magestone looks all grungy now.  ...MYAH?!  It won't rub off!", Grim.

"Precisely.  That ink black stain is the byproduct of spellcasting known as "blot.", Crowley.

"There's some grime on my magical pen, too!", Deuce.  "Ewww!  This is capital-G Gross!", Grim.

"Will it come off eventually?", Kalin.  Just looking closely at Grim's collar while he was complaining was very curious.  Just specks of ink spots covered the bottom of Grim's magestone.

"It will.", Crowley.

"Phew!  Had me worried there.", Grim.

"With sufficient rest, blot will vanish from your magestone.  This is why a magestone is so valuable to magic users.  Not only does it aid your casting, it also serves as a lightning rod of sorts, to prevent blot from accumulating within the caster.", Crowley.

"I see.  So when our magestones start to get cloudy, that means it's time for us to ease off.", Deuce.

"Correct.  Eat well and get plenty of sleep, and most of the blot will clear away.", Crowley.

"Gotcha.  So when I become an even greater mage, I'll be able to fire off spells left and right!  Pa-PEW!  After all, I do plenty of sleepin' and eatin'.", Grim.

*(!) Oh that's for sure. (!)*

"People vary greatly in their capacity for magic.  However, save for a few key exceptions, there is little variance in most mages' tolerance for blot.", Crowley.

"What's that mean?", Grim.

"In essence, it means that those who possess a great capacity for magic must be meticulous in their efforts to avoid accumulating blot.  Like Mr. Rosehearts, for instance.", Crowley.

"So folks who knew their way around magic gotta lay off once in a while.  Seems simple enough.", Ace.

"Correct.  That said, it isn't anything that mages at YOUR level need to worry about.  How very fortunate for you!", Crowley has a gleaming smile with that underhanded insult.

"I... guess that's only kind of an insult?", Ace.  "Anyway, I think I get it.  Use magic, get blot.  Blot bad.  Sleep and food good.  But is that really all it took to make Riddle activate berserker mode?", Grim.

"The accumulation of blot is significantly affected by the sorcerer's mental state.  Anger, fear, panic, sorrow...  Harboring those sorts of negative energies hastens the accumulation of blot by a significant degree.  This, in turn, leads to the dreadful state known as "overblot.", Crowley.

"Negative energies," huh?  Interesting...", Deuce.

"Do you recall the giant shadow that appeared behind Mr. Rosehearts?  Such manifestations are believed to be the result of a fusion between blot and negative energies.  I'm afraid that's the extent of what current studies have revealed to us, however.  There remain many mysteries surrounding overblot.  After all, there are not many opportunities for study and observation.", Crowley.

"Let's hope it stays that way!", Ace.

"It is fortunate that we were able to snap Mr. Rosehearts out of it so quickly.  If that had been allowed to continue...  AAAH!  It is a prospect too terrifying to consider!", Crowley all of a sudden shouted, making my ears highly alert.

"GAH!  W-what's your problem?!  Yellin' outta the blue like that!", Grim. 

"*Ahem*  Forgive me.  I lost my composure.  In summary, the use of magic is always accompanied by a certain degree of risk.  And I expect you all to keep that in mind.", Crowley.

"Yes, sir.", we all replied.

"Thus concludes your special lesson from the headmage himself!  How wonderfully gracious of me.  Now, back to your classrooms with you.", Crowley.

"So have you found a way to send me home?", I ask one last thing before leaving.

"Ahhh, yes...  A means to send Kalin home.  Right, right.  I have been diligently searching for one, of course.  I have certainly not forgotten!  It is merely that I've been quite busy of late.", Crowley.

"Your eyes got all shifty all of a sudden.", Grim, as well as I, got suspicious about his answer.

"I-I'm certainly not lying!  The October interdorm Magical Shift Tournament is consuming a great deal of my attention at the moment!  In fact, I've a meeting with the assembled housewardens immediately after this.", Crowley.

"What's a "Magical Shift tournament...?", Grim.

*(!) I feel like he's just got lucky with this as an excuse to dodge the subject. (!)*

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