Episode 2-1: Scrambling for a Meal!

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~Episode 2: The Usurper from the Wilds~

A sudden dream occurred in Kalin's mind, foretelling of another adventure awaiting her and her friends~

~Kalin's Dream~ 

She couldn't see anything at first, but she could hear voices.  As she was trying to make out the words, she could hear a unique laugh but it still didn't help her figure out who it was.

"Ok, now look at me now.", the voiced said.  At their beck and call, a view was in sights but it wasn't too clear.  It was blurry in the same way when your barely waking up in the morning.  He had a dark robe on, and even when his face was close, it wasn't recognizable.  He was examining Kalin's eyes very closely on both sides, adding what looked to be like eyeshadow.

"Alright, now it looks right.  Hey now, don't touch it otherwise we'll really be late.", they say.  From the view, the head looked a little down.

"Shyeheehee, your adorable when your nervous.", they laugh the same laugh again.  The person then gets a hold of Kalin's hand.  He then pulled along out in the hall with Kalin behind him.  He looks back to Kalin.

"Heh, cool your jets, we'll make it in time to the ceremony.  No squirming now.", he gave a big grin then continued on forward straight down the hall.  Kalin tried to hold on tight to his hand, cause even though he said they'll make it, he was still walking at a fast pace, making it hard to keep up.  After that, it all fades to black.


A second dream descends upon with a more wilderness scene~~~

"I can hear the wind...", Kalin.

I can see a big rock, so big it's pointing towards the sky.  What I see is what looked to be a lion making his way to the base..

He was soon followed by a mandrill holding something dear close to his shoulders.

When the lion made it to the top, a bird came from behind me and made it's way to the lion.

The lioness soon followed to his side, and the mandrill holding what it looks to be a cub.  The cub shined brilliant gold compared to the grey melancholy scenery.  When the mandrill held up the cub near the rock's edge, the sun rays broke through the clouds.  The sunrays gave extra light to the spot where he was being raised up high, as if the world, including the heavens, had a sight to see.

~~~~~End of Dream~~~~~

My eyes started to open up a bit, and just like the light of the cub from the dream I dimly remember, the same light broke through the window.  The morning light urged my eyes to wake up more and it was a bit struggling as it was comfortable sleeping on my side.

"Myaaah!  *flop* *flail* Meeeooow!  Myah myaaah...", Grim startled me, almost giving me a jumpscare.  When I turn from my side to see what was wrong with Grim, all I see was him twisting and turning still asleep.

"Is he sleep-talking?  Or was that an attempt at a roar?", I was puzzled to what it was.

"*snore*  Myaaah...  Thass  whatchu get... ...fer crossin' Grim da Miiightyyy...  *snore*", Grim talked a little more with words this time.

"Grim, wake up!", I try to shake him a bit with a whisper.

"That's right!  Cower before me, teapot tyrant!  BWUH-MYAH?!  ...Huh?  Where am I?", Grim was still sleep-talking until a little bit more shaking woke him up.  I held my arm up in front of me since he woke up so abruptly.

"Aw, man!  I was dreaming that I was trouncing Riddle with my magic.  You shoulda seen his face...", Grim already had a disappointed look, and class hasn't even started yet.

"You won't get that strong by snoozing all day.", I padded his head softly and rubbed behind ears to get him in a better mood.  He almost melted in my hands until he realized what he was doing and shook my hand off.  But seeing his reaction was cute.

"All right, lemme just fix my bedhead.  Then it's off to class!  I've got magic to master!", Grim quickly jumped off the bed.  Then he started fixing his fur where I patted him, as if I messed it up.

As he quickly darted towards the stairs, I was still in bed looking at the view of the morning sun.  The way it looked seemed almost familiar, like I just seen it.  I shook my head, thinking it's just me waking up a bit early, and it's my imagination messing with me.

~~~~~In the Cafeteria~~~~~

During the first half of classes, Grim was slipping into sleep on and off throughout.  Guess that morning spurt of energy was too good to be true to last long enough to lunch.  I literally had to pick him up from our seat when class was over because he was still sleeping.  He just barely woke up when Ace, Deuce, and I arrived in the cafeteria.

"Ugh.  Professor Trein must have cast a sleepin' spell on me.  I fought to stay awake, but he was sooo boring!", Grim complained as usual about class, especially Trein's. 

"Yeah, "fought", sure.  I heard you snoring five minutes in.", Deuce.  

*(!) Luckily, I took all the notes in class so he could study later on.  Especially since Professor Trein, and Crewel warned me of the consequences for Grim more than me, since I paid attention more than he did. (!)*

"Grub time!  What's it gonna be today?  Huh, wait?  What's going on?  Why's it so crowded in here?", Ace.

"That famous bakery from out of town is serving up their goods.  It only happens once a month!  Their stock sells out fast, so you'd better hurry!", the Cafeteria Ghost came to us to explain as if he read Ace's mind.

"Gimme three of those chocolate croissants!", Heartslabyul student A.  "Woo-hoo, I actually snagged an egg sandwich this month!  These things are AMAZING!", Heartslabyul student B.

"Egg sandwiches are now sold out!  Only one deluxe ham and cheese left!", Cafeteria Ghost.

"Oh, man, everything looks amazing.  I'm gonna see if I can grab somethin'.", Ace went straight into the crowd.  "Wow, they really do seem popular!  Kalin, Grim, what do you--  Huh?", Deuce looked to me when his eyes went wide.  I then looked down to my shoulder then to the side of my feet, and my eyes also went wide with shock.

"Where did Grim go?!", I started to look around to see where he went, with Deuce helping.

*(!) Crap!  I got distracted looking at the different food specialties they had! (!)*

As I looked over the crowd, sure enough I found Grim making his way to the front of the line.

"Hey!  Outta my way, losers!  That grilled cheese is mine!", Grim.

"Hey, no cutting!", Heartslabyul student A.  "A freshman, cutting in front of an upperclassman?!  Time to learn you some manners.", Heartslabyul student B.

"He's got such a one-track mind when it comes to food!", Deuce.  "Yeah, no kidding.", Kalin.  "*Sigh*", Ace. "Let's go stop him.", I turn to Ace and Deuce.  As much as they wanted to refuse, they knew it would be more trouble for them to let him be later on.  So they shrugged it off and we went to intervene between the conflict.

*(!) Here we go again... (!)*

The fight went almost exactly like first time this happened in the cafeteria, except it went a little faster.  It may not seem like it, but Ace and Deuce were a bit better at handling their magic compared to before.  Not to mention, the more battles we fought, the more easier it is for me to read the opponents moves and what element of magic their going to use.


*(!) Hey guys, finally, in the Savanaclaw Arc!  There will be special new surprises and twists along this arc, so stay tuned my readers.  And enjoy! (!)*

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