Episode 3-2: Average Question!

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~One Week Later~

"Hold it right there, Grim!  You're not gettin' off easy today, you hear me?!", Ace.

"Myeh heh heh!  Maybe you shoulda put your name on it if you wanted it that bad!", Grim.

"Why, you...!", Ace.

Deuce and I were coming in the hallway when we heard a lot of yelling up ahead.  And go figure, it was the usual bantering between Grim and Ace.

"What is it this time?  One minute I'm gone to get drinks and this happens.", Kalin.  "Seriously, don't they ever get tired of this?", Deuce.

"Hey, Kalin!  You're the prefect, so do some prefecting!  This lousy furball swiped the doughnut I bought and ate it!  AGAIN.", Ace turned to me.  "I didn't steal nothin'!  I just saw a snack left abandoned on a desk and gave it a home outta the goodness of my heart.", Grim.  "It's not abandoned if it's on somebody's desk!  If you're gonna keep runnin', I've got some wind magic up my sleeve with your name on it.", Ace.  "Oh YEAH?  Try me!  I've got fire magic ready to--", Grim.

"...Erk!", Grim and Ace stopped in their tracks.

"Y'know what?  I think I'll skip the magic today.  I don't wanna get sent to wash even MORE windows.", Ace.  "H-heh.  For once, I think you've got the right idea.  I'd be embarrassin' myself if I was the only one usin' magic, so I'll let you off easy this time.", Grim.

"...Hm?", Kalin.  "Wow.  It's not every day I see you two de-escalate one of your fights without outside intervention.  Normally, you go at it until the classroom's blasted to bits and the headmage comes storming in.", Deuce.

"Hey, what kinda punk would I be if I started fighting with a raccoon over one lousy doughnut?", Ace.  "Why do you always have to get in one last smart remark?!", Grim.

As much as I would find that convincing, something's off with them.  After we made our way back to the classroom, I talked to Ace for a bit.

"Hey, Ace.", Kalin.  "Hm?  What's up, Kalin?", Ace.  I handed him a spare doughnut I bought earlier that morning.  "Huh?  How did you--", Ace.  "I figured he would pull another stunt like this as always, so I bought a few spares incase he did.", Kalin.

But before I would hand it over to him.

"But first, tell me something.", Kalin.  "Tch, just great.  A catch.", Ace.  "Relax.  Just tell me if there's something going on between you and Grim?  And why you decided to now stop the fight.", Kalin.  Ace flinched from hearing my catch and quickly changed the subject.  "Ahh...  Y'know, we can't have food in class anyway.  So could you do me a favor and just give it to me when class is over?", Ace just tried his charm to get out of the subject.  "Uhh, sure...", Kalin.

Wasn't convinced but didn't want to push it, so I put away the doughnut and followed them.

The same thing happened when after I saw the notebook Grim had and questioned him on where he got it.  Like Ace, he got a bit antsy and took it from me saying it was none of my business. 

*(!) Something is definitely fishy with these two... (!)*


"It's time for class to start, whelps.  Get to your seats.  First, I'll pass back your tests.", Crewel.

"This is it-- the moment of truth.", Deuce.  "Myah hah!  Gimme!  Gimme!  I want that test, Prof!", Grim was excited.

"Settle down, Grim.  Stay.  STAY!  I'll call you up by your class number.  Number one!", Crewel.


"SWEET!  I got a 92!", Ace.  "I got an 88!  I never thought I'd see the day I scored over 80.", Deuce.  "Check it out, Kalin!  I got an 85!", Grim.  "Wow, that's amazing.  I'm glad I got an 87.", Kalin.  "Now I won't get held back a year!", Deuce.

"You appear to have studied a great deal for this exam.  Yes...  A great deal indeed, compared to your quiz scores.  In fact, the classes average has gone up to a degree one might call... unusual.", Crewel.

"And what's that supposed to mean?", Ace.

"The average test scores across every level of potionology are over 90.  Professor Trein has remarked upon similarly positive trends in his magic history classes.", Crewel.

"Say what?!", Deuce.  "Mraaah?!", Grim.  "Uh-oh.  I don't like where this is going...", Ace.

*(!) From the way these guys were startled by that fact, I'm getting the same feeling... (!)*

"The school's fifty highest achievers will be posted in the hall.  You can look forward to seeing that shortly.  Now, let us begin today's lesson.  Open your textbooks.", Crewel.

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