Episode 4-39: Invitation Exclusion!

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The oasis party went on for a long time after that splash incident.  Not sure if I had learned how to swim properly but I think I did better than Grim since he didn't last long with Floyd giving the lesson.  Though luckily, the scales that showed up that time dispersed when I got out of the pool.

Even after Azul pulled that stunt, Jamil didn't ask again about what he was asking about earlier.  Not sure if he gave up or if he's waiting for another time.  Either way, I'm not sure if I can explain it to him if I can't make sense of it to myself.  So maybe Azul getting involved was good timing ...maybe?

It was close to evening when we finally arrived back to our dorm.

"Phew...  We finally made it back to our dorm.", Grim.

"We've been out for awhile.  But it's good to be back.", Kalin.

"Hey, you two!", Ghost A.

Past the gates, the dorm ghosts appeared past the front door to greet us.

"Heh.  These ghosts are a sight for sore eyes.", Grim.

"You've been gone for so long, I started to wonder if you were GONE gone, you know?  We worried ourselves half to death!  Get it?  Hee hee hee...", Ghost B.  "But hey, glad to see you're okay.", Ghost C.  "We took care of tending to the fire fairies in the cafeteria fireplace while you were out.", Ghost A.

"Myah?!  Oh crud, I totally forgot about that!", Grim.  "Why am I not surprised that you forgot.", Kalin.

*(!) I remembered but due to circumstances there wasn't anything we could've done about it. (!)*

"Hey, nobody wants to spend the holidays frozen over.", Ghost B.  "By the way, there's a bunch of food waiting for you here, courtesy of the headmage.", Ghost C.

"Mya-hah!  Didja hear that?  We're getting our feast!  C'mon, Kalin, let's go check it out!", Grim.

Grim raced on all four paws, heading straight to the front door and the ghosts soon followed him.  As I was about to follow him...

"Ah, you're back.", ???

All of a sudden, I almost run into someone showing up out of nowhere, face to face while they were hanging upside down.  It startled me so bad that I ended up falling back on the snow.

"Aah!  You scared me!", Kalin.

"Khee hee hee.  With a reaction like that, I could make a habit out of spooking you.", Lilia.

Hearing him say that made me embarrassed for my clumsiness and for possibly being his new to pass the time hobby.  He then came down and stood upright.

*(!) And here I thought I finally got used to being jump-scared by the ghosts... (!)*

"I'm Lilia Vanrouge, vice housewarden of Diasomnia.  I came to deliver a holiday greeting card from a certain somebody.", Lilia.

He then handed me a card after I got back on my feet.

"He's a bit peeved that once again nobody invited him to any festivities this year...  So if you happen to hold any with your friends, it'd be nice if you extended him an invitation too.  Anyway, that's all I came for.  I bid you all a pleasant holiday.", Lilia.

In a flash, he disappeared.

*(!) Where have I seen that act of disappearing before? (!)*

I then open the card and saw a happy holiday's greeting along with the sender's name.

"The sender's name is...  M.D.?", Kalin.

"Hey, Kalin!  You better step on it, or I'm gonna eat the whole feast without you!", Grim.

"Hey, don't you dare eat all of my ribs, Grim!", Kalin.

Afraid he might actually do so like he has before, I ran for it at top speed.

"Ho ho ho!  Happy holidays!", Ghost C.

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