Episode 5-11: Last-Minute Rushing!

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Three days later...

The three days of practice under the instruction of Jamil and Kalim did some improvement for all of us in a way.  But the more we practiced in the gym during lunch hour, we started to notice something...

"I've been seeing a lotta dudes rehearsing the audition number in the gym over lunch break.", Ace.

"Those chumps better not be after the prize.  Nobody takes my tuna!", Grim.

"I suspect more of them are after a potential pro debut than prize money.", Jamil.

"Now that you mention it, they do all seem like they're in their element.", Deuce.

"Don't let them intimidate you.  You've also made great strides with your singing ability.  It's a far cry from when you started out sounding like a panicked elephant.", Jamil.  "Mm-hm!  You've also gotten better at holding a note.  Vocal training isn't easy, and you put in the work.  You all deserve a pat on the back!  Now, let's get back to it!  Today we'll focus on doing the whole song from start to finish!", Kalim.

"Yes, sir!", All.

~Show Them Your Moves!~

"Now let's see how far you've come.  Try to follow me and Kalim as much as you can.", Jamil.

"Don't you dare mess up today, Deucey-boy.", Ace.  "I know.  I'll show them everything I know!", Deuce.

"There you go getting all serious again.  You gotta loosen up and have fun!", Kalim.

With the first half, it was starting to be clear that we were in better sync than before.  Deuce did his best to follow on Ace and Jamil.  Grim learned how to dance by keeping his tail lifted up and not trip on his paws.  I was trying to let my confidence in my dancing show.  But my singing could've been better...

"Wow!  You guys have really improved.  Nice!  Hey, I know.  Why not try adding in something like this, too?", Kalim.

Kalim then put his hands on the floor and raised his feet up high above his ahead.

"Whoa!  How did you do that?!", Deuce.

"You just hit the floor with your hand like "bam!" and raise your feet up.  Easy!", Kalim.

"Uh, I think we're gonna need something a little more concrete than that.", Ace.

In the second half of the song, it was the same as we were trying to keep with the rhythm.  The singing was better that we almost couldn't hear the singing from the phone, and only heard us.

"Woohoo!  We got the final pose down pat!", Grim.

"How did we do, Jamil?", Deuce.

"Well, you kept up with music.  Not bad.  You've done well in such a short amount of time.  Congratulations.", Jamil.  "Yeah, you can do it when you put your minds to it!  Great job!", Kalim.

As we wrapped up the last number...

"Yes!  I pulled off the whole dance without missing a step!  And I didn't blank out on any song lyrics, either.", Deuce.

"Myah ha!  Same.  I didn't step on my own tail once.", Grim.

"I have to hand it to you, Jamil.  It's no small feat to teach guys with such awful memories how to boogie.  And in such a short time frame!", Ace.

"What he said!  Jamil makes everything super easy to understand.  It's helped me a ton over the years.", Kalim.  "Ahem!  Let's not make this about me.  You've got all the basics under your belt now.  From here on out, you're on your own.  Keep practicing for the audition.", Jamil.  "Guess we'll be rivals on audition day, huh?  I'll still keep my fingers crossed for you guys!", Kalim.  "Naturally, I don't plan to lose either.", Jamil.

"Cocky much?  Then again, I've got the same idea.", Ace.

"My dulcet tones and smooth moves are gonna leave the judges spellbound!", Grim.

"Jamil, Kalim, thank you both for your generous help!", Deuce.

"Oh yes-- have you applied for the audition yet?", Jamil.

"Wait, what?", Grim.

"Good grief...  I had a feeling.  You're not exactly fastidious.  I'm glad I double-checked.", Jamil.  Aha ha!  You're always on top of this stuff, Jamil.", Kalim.  "Yes, well, some habits are ingrained in me from dealing with a certain someone on a regular basis.  You need to apply in advance to take part in the VDC audition.  Rook Hunt in Class 3-A is handling applications.", Jamil.

"Oh yeah, I remember reading that on the poster.", Ace.

"The deadline to apply is the day before the audition.  Don't forget to take care of that.", Jamil.

"Yes, sir!  Thank you, sir!", Deuce.

"Rook's easy to identify by his hat and blond bob.  But I'm sure you'll know him when you see him.", Jamil.

After wrapping things up in the gym, we had some time left before next period.  So Deuce, Ace, Grim, and I made our way to the 3-A classroom.

"So this is 3-A...  Hunt's haunt, as it were.  It's kind of intimidating going into one of the upperclassmen's classrooms.", Deuce.  "We barely ever interact with upperclassmen from other dorms as it is.  Maybe we should flag down one of the Heartslabyul juniors for this?", Ace.

"Ooh, I spy with my little eye...  HEYYY!  LEONA!  C'mere for a sec!", Grim.

From where I hear Grim shouting to, I see...

*(!) Oh, no... (!)*

Leona was alseep on his desk, and when he heard Grim call out to him, his right ear twitched.  He soon woke up.

"...Hnh!", Leona.

"Gah!  Grim!  Why'd you have to call out to HIM!?", Ace.  "He's the Savanaclaw housewarden, too!", Deuce.

"So?  He's the guy I recognize in this classroom.  "He's certainly looks... annoyed.", Kalin.

"You've got nerve trying to order me around.  If you want something, YOU come to ME.", Leona.

"We ain't even ten meters apart!  Geez, some people.", Grim.

He soon runs up to his desk.

"You know, sometimes, Grim leaves me awestruck.", Deuce.  "Same...", Ace.  "...Sorry.", Kalin.

"So, what do you want, herbivores?  This had better be good.", Leona.

"Were lookin' for a guy named Rook Hunt.  Could you introduce us?", Grim.

"Why?  What do you want with THAT weirdo?", Leona.

"We wanna apply for the Vocal & Dance Championship!", Grim.

"C'est vrai?!  Magnifigue!  I welcome all new challengers with open arms!", Rook.

"WHOA!", All.

We were all startled when he showed up behind us, Grim climbed up my shoulder with his fur standing up.

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