Episode 3-32: Moment of Realization!

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*Flash of light*

"What was that flash?", Jack.


*(!) What's this?  The sharp sting is back, but it's even stronger than before... (!)*

I grip on my right sleeve, trying to hide my endurance and not give notice to everyone.  After a minute of the pain going through my chest, it finally simmered down till it was gone.

"Hm...?  Hey!  Deuce, your sea anemone's gone!", Ace.  "Whoa!  You're right!", Deuce.  "So's mine!  Yours too, Ace!  Sweet!  Leona and Ruggie pulled through!", Grim.

"Wait.  Come again?", Jade.  "What's goin' on here?", Floyd.

"We cut a deal with Leona an' Ruggie to get them in on our plan.", Grim.

"Say what?  The guy's basically a sea lion, sleepin' his days away.  He'd never lift a finger to heelp you guys.", Floyd.  "I was under the impression he had no interest in creating disputes with his fellow housewarden, Azul.  How did you bend him to your will?", Jade.

"See, Kalin made this offer...  If Leona helped us take back Ramshackle Dorm, we'd leave his room tomorrow without a fuss.  But if he didn't help, we'd keep raisin' a racket outside his room all night, every night.  Then we gave him a... "live demo," I'll call it, to show how annoying it'd be.  We basically yowled our lungs out until daybreak, and now we're super sleep deprived.", Grim.

*(!) Yeah, but that still doesn't explain how I woke up with Leona's clothes on me this morning. (!)*

"Whoa...", Jade and Floyd.

"No wonder you were so hoarse this morning, Grim.", Deuce.

"That sounds less like a deal and more like a threat to me.", Floyd.

"You know what they say: one bad turn deserves another.", Jack.  "My wind magic's back, too.  It's time to turn the tables here!", Ace.  "I summon thee, cauldron!", Deuce.

* A cauldron was summoned on the spot. *

"...Sweet, it worked!", Deuce.  "Myaaah!  I can't even tell if I got my fire magic back or not in all this water!  That ain't fair!", Grim.  "Somehow I think we'll manage without your parlor tricks.", Ace.  "As long as you can use your cosmic magic and other elements, it doesn't really matter for now.", Kalin.  "Hmph.", Grim.

"We'd best be getting back, Floyd.  If the anemones are gone from their heads...", Jade.  "Yeah, I got a real bad feelin' about this.", Floyd.

"Not so fast.  Where do you think you're going now that we're finally in fighting shape?", Deuce.  "Where's the fun in turning tail now?  Stick around and play with us.", Ace.

"You small-fry pipsqueaks...  I'll have you cryin' before you know it.", Floyd.  "Floyd, ignore them!  Ugh.  Too late.", Jade.

Before we knew it, both sides went head to head again.  But now that they got their magic back, it's like a whole boost of energy revitalized them.

"Deuce, combo with Ace with both of your water magic!", Kalin.

"Right/ Alright!", Ace/ Deuce.

Both went against the twins, and Deuce started off against Jade with water magic in combo with Ace.  Jade made a comeback with his fire magic.  Both of them dodged to the sides, but sustained a little damage.  Next, Ace went against Floyd, and like Deuce, shot his water magic first.  Floyd was hit a little more then he anticipated, and he fired back a huge fire magic ball back.  Ace barely dodged by ducking to the floor.  But his uniform couldn't say otherwise since his jacket caught a little of the fire.  It was a short while thanks to being in the water.

"Deuce, hit them with cosmic magic!  Jack, go after Deuce with wind magic!", Kalin.

"Right!", Jack/ Deuce.

Again, both went against the twins.  Deuce took the first shot again with Jade being the same opponent.  Jade used his water magic to strike first, and it did affect Deuce a bit.  But it didn't stop him from using his cosmic magic, making Jade back up a bit.  Jack was next and going against Floyd with his water magic, he used to his arms to put up a defense to absorb the attack.  Jack then responded with a strong punch of two wind magic attacks, which made Floyd take a lot of damage.

"Grim, do you still have a lot of cosmic magic backed up?", Kalin.  He hopped up unto my shoulders before answering.  "Heh heh.  You betcha the Great Grim has plenty in store.", Grim replied with a grin.  "Think you can finish them off then?", Kalin.  "Heh.  No problem.", Grim then jumped off and went for it. 

Grim concentrated his magic hard before a large cosmic attack formed before him.  Grim casted it down hard on the twins, making them tumble back a bit on the sea floor.  And with that, the battle was over.

"Nnngh, for cryin' out loud!  These guys are getting on my nerves!", Floyd.  "We need to go, Floyd.  I don't think we have the luxury of toying with them any longer.", Jade.  "Tch...  Fine.  Let's move.", Floyd.

"Yesss!  They're headin' for the hills!  Er, do they have hills underwater?  Whatever.", Grim.  "We'd better get back to school ourselves.  Let's shove this photo in Azul's face and spoon-feed him the bitter taste of defeat!", Jack.

"Right then.", Kalin.

*(!) Somehow, I feel like the pain just now is giving me a bad feeling of what's going on... (!)*

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