Prologue 19: Reconsideration Miracle!

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We made it back to the mirror hall, with Crowley expecting us.  But when he saw what we had in our hands, he was struck with shock.

"Eh!?  You really went to Dwarfs' Mine to find a magic crystal?", Crowley clearly sounded like he didn't expect this outcome.

"Huh!?", we didn't expect his reaction.  "I really didn't think...  You'd not only go but then come back with a crystal in hand.  I quietly completed the paperwork for your expulsion.", Crowley said in a soft tone.  "Nnga!  The nerve of this guy!  While we were off fighting some crazy beast!", Grim was ticked off.  I wasn't pleased with this either, he gives us a chance to fix this but goes along with the expulsion anyway.  "Beast?", Crowley questioned at the mention of the word.  "There was a monster there!  It was super gross and crazy strong, it was awful!", Ace informed as he complained.  "Could you explain in more detail?", Crowley inquired us.  So we went back to his office to explain everything.  From the Dwarf's house all the way to entering the tunnel of the mine.


"Hoh  hoohh.  A mysterious monster living in the coal mine.  The four of you worked together to defeat it and bring back a magic crystal?", Crowley procced this new information.  But as he was doing this, the boys felt sensitive about the words "worked together".  "We didn't really work together...", Ace trying to deny it.  "It was more like our goals were aligned...", Deuce did the same.  The more they tried, I just looked at them with a grin knowing otherwise, until...

"Ooh...  Ooooooh....  OOOOOOOHHHHH!!!  OOOOOHHHHH  sob sob sob!!!", Crowley just started bawling his eyes out.  It was quite the uncomfortable scene to see.  "What's with this guy?  Why is an adult bursting into tears!?", Grim was just as unraveled.  After saying this, he jumped back to my shoulder.

(!)* He's more emotional than I thought he'd be..  And why does this raccoon keep climbing on my shoulder like a safety tree? *(!)

"In all these years that I've been headmaster...  For the day to come that students from Night Raven College go hand in hand to face and defeat their enemy!", Crowley was truly amazed.  But Ace and Deuce's reaction became more amusing from the choice of words Crowley used.  "What!?  I did not hold this guys hand!", Deuce reacted.  "I would never do that, gross!  But headmaster, how old are you?", Ace did the same.

"I am overwhelmed with emotion.  This incident confirms it.  Kalin.  Without a doubt, you have talent as a beast tamer!", Crowley walked right up to me to proclaim this with glee in his smile.  "Beast Tamer!?", this time I reacted.  By his sudden reaction Grim jumped off and landed to where my feet is.

(!)* But I hardly did anything.. *(!)

"Students of Night Raven College are budding wizards called here by the Dark Mirror.  However, they are of a superior class that makes them prideful and egotistical people that have not even the slightest inkling to work with others.  Making many of them selfish and self-centered.", Crowley explained about the personality of the student body.  "You're really not saying anything good.", Grim says with a displeased expression.

(!)* But he's not wrong...  I think. *(!)

Thinking that made me look to Ace, which made me think back to when he was gloating in our face about being a student and how superior he was.  Being reminded that made me have a disliking look that ended up confusing Ace.

"You cannot use magic.", hearing that phrase broke my train of thought.  "But, maybe, precisely because you cannot use magic means that you could give instructions to wizards and get them to cooperate.  Perhaps that mediocrity is exactly what this school needs right now!", the glee still in his smile.

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