Episode 5-9: Dancing Corrections!

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"Bwah ha ha!  You can't even pull off basic baby steps, Deuce.", Ace.  "H-hey, whaddaya want from me?!  I've never danced in my life!", Deuce.

"Myow ow ow...  My hands 'n feet are movin' at the same time...", Grim.  "I think there might be limits to what we can figure out by ourselves...", Kalin.

*(!) Considering I never even sang before...  If I can hardly dance, how can I sing? (!)*

"Ooh, are you guys dancing, too?  Let us join in!", Kalim.

"Myah!  It's Scarabia's most dysfunctional duo.", Grim.

"I don't appreciate you making up pet names.  And we are not dysfunctional.", Jamil.

"Hey, Kalim.  Hey, Jamil.  Lemme guess: you guys are auditioning for the VDC too?", Ace.

"Yup!  It's a big festival. and there's no better occasion to dance!  Jamil and I happen to both be good and at that AND singing.  Right, Jamil?", Kalim.  "I'd rather not draw that much attention to myself, personally.  *Sigh*", Jamil.  "I saw you guys from behind, and goodness, you've all got two left feet!  It was like watching an elephant panic and rear back on it's hind legs.  Aha ha!  You can hardly dance, and you'll have to do that while simultaneously singing at the audition.  Maybe you're in above your heads here.", Kalim.


*(!) Hearing those comments about our dancing felt like arrows straight through the chest. (!)*

"Rgh...  The fact that you said all of that with complete sincerity makes it even worse.", Deuce.  "Hey, come to think it--  Jamil, you taught Floyd some dance moves at Basketball Club practice once.  Dancing is kinda your thing, right?  Mind sharing some pro strats with us?", Ace.

"Great idea!  You can't go wrong with Jamil as your coach.", Kalim.  "He asked me, not you!  Ahem.  Anyway, teaching makes good practice for me, so... sure.  For beginners, we should start with isolation.  Spread your feet as wide as your shoulders...", Jamil.

And for the remainder of the lunch break, Jamil gave all of us individual instruction of what we need to improve on.

"Deuce, ease up your shoulders a bit more.  Moving your head and shoulders at the same time will make your whole body look stiff.", Jamil.

"H-how am I supposed to move my head and shoulders separately?!  Just thinking about that would make me fall behind the music.", Deuce.

"You won't get anywhere in dancing by thinking things out.  Just follow the rhythm and work on your muscle memory.", Jamil.

*School Bell*

"Ah, afternoon class is about to start.  Time to wrap up our practice session.", Jamil.  "Awww, already?  Time sure flies when you're busting moves!", Kalim. 

"*Huff, huff* Jamil!  Kalim!  Thank you for the training session, sirs!", Deuce.  "Seriously, Jamil.  I can tell you're used to tutoring.  In less than an hour, you've gotten Deuce and Grim from zero skills to... some skills.", Ace.

"Your sense of rhythm is lacking, but you've got solid reflexes.  Keep practicing and you should be able to get the hang of dancing eventually.", Jamil.

"Right!  Thanks!", Deuce.

"It's hard to gauge whether Grim has actually improved any, but... he's agile.  I suppose.  Maybe.  And as for you, Kalin, your dancing's not too bad.  But focus more on your footwork and be more confident in your movements.", Jamil.

"Right, I will do that.", Kalin.  "This has all been pretty fun, actually.  I'll show you all even smoother moves tomorrow!", Grim.

"Be careful not to focus too hard on dancing.  You can't afford to neglect your singing.  You need to strike a proper balance between the two in your rehearsals.", Jamil.

"True.  We've still got a lot of work to do.", Deuce.

"Hey, guys.  What would you say to group practice sessions starting tomorrow?  Jamil's a great singer, for the record.  You should get him to demonstrate.", Kalim.  "Wh-- again, you're making commitments on my behalf!", Jamil.  "What's the harm in that?  When it comes to dancing, singing, and parties, the rule of thumb is the more, the merrier!", Kalim.

"Sign us up!", All.

"Deal!  We're in this together now!", Kalim.  "Hmph.  Such a demanding bunch you are...  But fine.  So be it.  Be warned, though-- if you think I'll go easy on you, think again.", Jamil.

"Yeah, whatever.  We're used to being run ragged by our own housewarden.", Ace.  "Do your worst, sir!", Deuce.

"Then before we leave, we'd best tidy things up.  Go fetch some mops from storage.", Jamil.

"Yes, sir!", All.

When we went to the storage room, even Kalim followed us.

"Kalim, you don't have to...  *Sigh*", Jamil.

*Knock knock*

"Ah, excellent.  There you are, Jamil.", Azul.

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