Episode 2-14: Encounter at Midnight!

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After what happened, we went our separate ways for the day and headed to our dorms.

First thing we did was have dinner.  It was a good thing I bought extra tuna cans, otherwise I would've have had to deal with a massive hunger tantrum.  But now since he ate all of it, I have to settle buying him breakfast and lunch at the cafeteria for a bit.  But luckily over the past few weeks, I have saved a lot of mora for myself within the budget Crowley gives me.  

What I used with Crowley's last payment was only little in using to buy Grim's cans.  The rest of it will be mostly used to store whatever nick-knack snacks and meals to make for the next couple of weeks, so that way the next payment will go to whatever needs fixing in this dorm.  Which means, the next time I have some free time, I'll have to drop by Mr. S's Mystery Shop again.

As we ate, we explained to the ghosts what happened.  Of course, they chuckled their whites off hearing of our terrible defeat.  But even eating my clam chowder, my body was still aching from running back and forth.  And my voice was kind of parched from all that yelling.

I then decided to go over to the bath to relax a bit before going to bed.  As soon Grim was finished, Grim passed out on the kitchen table instantly.  I grabbed my photo pile and album before going up the staircase.

The sun was finally setting and relaxing in the bath water was nice in this big tub I was able to repair a bit without paying much.  But it got me to thinking of some things that happened today.

*(!) Leona...  As much as he was a jerk for playing us like that.  His eyes afterwards was the same as I saw him in the garden.  When he and his group left the stadium, I caught a glimpse of them again.  It was for sure full of anger, but also, I could be wrong, but I think there was a hint of... sorrow in his eyes.

And as for Jack, when I looked back at him.  His eyes changed a little as well.  When he looked at me before, his eyes showed calmness despite his response to our offering our help.  But the last time I saw him, his eyes showed differently.  I couldn't pin-point it exactly, but if I had to make a guess, it would probably be... disappointment.  I don't know why this word occurred to me, but it was the closest thing I could think of close to what his eyes expressed.

I don't know if this has anything to do with the case at hand, but something is definitely going on in that dorm.  Since clearly not all the students agree to their dorm housewarden ideals.  But it could be a different case that I can't do anything about really.

All this thinking brought me back to a topic that Crowley talked about the other day.

Overblot... (!)*

It was before I could dwell on the thought, that I started to feel dizzy.  Almost dipping further into the bath water, it was the steam getting into my head, so I got out before it would get worse.

*Knock knock*

"Ah..!  Yes?", I quickly wrapped myself around with a towel and stood by the bathtub holding onto the bar to keep me steady.

"We have Grim set in the bedroom, since he's still asleep.  Heh heh heh.", Ghost B.

"Oh, well thanks.  I'll be out shortly then.", Kalin.

"No problem.  Heh heh.", Ghost C.


After getting dressed into my sleep wear, black shorts and a white t-shirt, I go to pick up Grim to put him on the bed.  When I tried to he tossed and turned, talking in his sleep.  So I decided to leave him there for the night, since he seems comfortable enough.  I then go under the covers and try to pass out like Grim did.

"*snooore*  Mmm.  Didja see that... *snore*  Totally wrecked 'em with my power shot... *Snore*", Grim was still talking in his sleep.

"I'm too sore to sleep.", Kalin.

No matter how hard I try, the aching muscles kept me up.  So I decided to change to my pants and put a long sleeve shirt on to go outside to get some fresh air.

As I went outside, the cold air breeze brushed through me.  I try to huddle myself a little to keep the warmth.  "Wow, it's gotten really cold.", Kalin.  It's a good thing I put my gloves on.

"Hm?  Who's that over there?", I hear someone's voice.

I looked around to see who it was, and I saw a man standing near a tree looking at me.  When I saw him, my whole body froze stiff.  But not from the cold, nor of fear, but something else entirely.  But I can't describe it exactly.  Almost as if I happened upon something... enchanting.  I didn't know who he was, but seeing him has made the cold I was feeling go away a little.  The breeze was still active, making my hair the only thing to move to the air.

"Who... is that man?", Kalin.

"Well, this is a surprise.  A child of man, are you?", he speaks to me.

I walked closer to him, as I couldn't hear him quite well.  As I got a closer look, I noticed the top of his head.

*(!) This guy's got horns on his head.  They're... majestic. (!)*

I couldn't stop looking in awe of his presence, as if an unknown seemed familiar to me.  His hair black as night, his green eyes glowed like a lantern, and his skin almost like a reflection off of the moonlight.

"Do you live here?  I was under the impression that this dorm had been abandoned for some time.  I quite enjoyed having a place where I could go to enjoy the peace of solitude.", even as I didn't answer him yet, he continues to talk to me.

"Who are you?", Kalin.

"Who am I...?  You really don't know who I am?  Interesting.  What is your name?", the man then smiled as if amused by this turn of events.

"I'm Kalin.  Kalin Vespertine.  I'm the prefect of this dorm.", Kalin.

"Kalin... Vespertine...  An unusual name, to be sure.  I am...  No, never mind.  I'd rather you remain unaware.  It's for your own benefit, I assure you.  Instead, I will permit you to call me by a name of your choosing.  Although you may one day regret it...", the man says.

*(!) So I guess, like everyone else, he has his own way to act when meeting me. But a little bit strange of why he rather not tell me his name. (!)*

"But alas...  If you have taken up residence here, then this abandoned dorm is no longer "abandoned."  Pity.  I shall have to find some other ruins for my next nocturnal constitutional.  Farewell.", the man speaks his last words, and then in a flash he disappeared.

"He's gone...?", Kalin.

*(!) This man with horns... he was strange.  But...  I don't think in a bad way. (!)*

That thought lifted my spirits for the night.


During the same night in Leona's bedroom...

"You must be tired, Leona.  I've brought you dinner.  And on the way, I got a little "work" done.", Ruggie.  "Always there when I need ya, Ruggie.", Leona.  "Oh, it's a pleasure to be of service to you, Housewarden.", Ruggie.  "You always say that, don't you?  Even though you're really doing this for yourself.", Leona.

"Perish the thought, Leona!  It's a pleasure to be of service to OUR cause.  All of us want to turn the world upside down.  That's precisely why the hyenas joined hands with the King of Beasts in the first place-- to improve their lot in life forevermore.  I'm pretty much doing the same thing.", Ruggie.  

"Then make sure you're careful on your "hunts."  Don't leave any evidence behind.", Leona.  "Shyeheehee!  You should know how hyenas work.  We pick our prey clean to the bone.  Incidentally, Leona-- any thoughts as to who my next target should be?", Ruggie.

"Oh, I've got an idea.  How about a little wolf who likes to eavesdrop?", Leona.  "Huh?", Ruggie.  "I know you're there, frosh.  No use hiding.", Leona.

Jack steps out of the entry way and enters Leona's room.

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