Episode 3-31: Dastardly Negotiation!

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"So Azul...  How about you and I make a deal?", Leona.

"I'm... sorry?", Azul.

"What are you prepared to offer me if I return these contracts to you?", Leona.

"I-I'll do anything.  I'll give you all the study guides you want.  I'll write your graduation thesis.  I'll pad your attendance.  Anything-- just name it!", Azul.

"Interesting.  That's a pretty tempting offer.", Leona.

"Then--", Azul.

"Here's the thing, though.  No offense, but none of that's gonna be enough to justify me returning these contracts.", Leona.

"What?", Azul.

"See, Kalin's got me over a barrel right now.  If I don't help Team Ramshackle dispose of these contracts, they'll make a huge racket outside my room every day until morning.", Leona.

*(!) He sees Kalin with a big smug grin on her face as she blackmails him last night in his thoughts. (!)*

He couldn't help but grin to how much guts she has.

"Huh...?", Azul.

"Basically, if you take their dorm away from them, they take my good night's sleep away from me.  I want them gone from Savanaclaw, so these things have gotta go.", Leona.

"THAT'S what this is all about?!", Azul.

"Sorry, Azul.  You're just not quite as dastardly a villain as Kalin is.", Leona.

"R-ridiculous...  Don't do it!", Azul.

"Now...  "Kneel before me!  King's Roar!", Leona.

"NOOOOO!!!", Azul.


"Ah...  Aaah...  Aaaaah!  My... My...  My golden contracts...  All... reduced to dust...", Azul.

"Azul's unigue magic. It's a Deal...  Once the contract scroll is signed, it cannot be damaged, regardless of how many people try.", Ruggie.  "You made a show of how unbreakable it was several times, just to hammer that impression home...  But there's no such thing as a spell that's completely flawless.  From what I saw, it looked like they were impervious to damage only under specific conditions.  Namely, either being in the VIP room, or being in your hands.  And judging by how easily my magic turned them to sand, I was right.  The contract scrolls themselves are no stronger than any other sheet of paper.", Leona.

"I...  I don't believe this...", Azul.

"Shyeheehee!  You could just knock Kalin into next week for trying to blackmail you.  I've been wonderin' why you'd go to all this trouble, and I think I've finally figured it out.", Ruggie.  "Oh yeah?", Leona.  "You've made a contract with Azul before.  This whole thing is a way for you to conveniently get rid of it.", Ruggie.  "Hah...  Nobody likes a snoop, y'know.  I'm just a nice guy who can't ignore a friend in need, that's all.  Heh heh.", Leona.  "Haw!  Listen to you, laughin' at your own jokes.  I should've taken a peek at what kinda contract you made before you sanded 'em down.", Ruggie.  "Well, it's not like I didn't have some little help along the way.", Leona.  "Hm?", Ruggie.

"Hah.  You have some nerve to call me "little help", Leona.", a voice spoke out and the owner of that voice showed up behind Azul.

When Azul heard the voice, his eyes widened and he turned slowly to see who it was to confirm his suspicions.

The person who came out and revealed himself with an amused grin was...  ...Taika.

"T-Taika...  But why...?  How...?", Azul.

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