Episode 1-2: Snack Trouble!

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"That's the same collar that that red-haired upperclassman put on me during the entrance ceremony.  Why do you have something like that on?", Grim pointed out the obvious.

"I ate a tart.", Ace.

"Huh?  A tart?", I questioned with disbelief.

"Yup, just that!", Ace replied.

Ace started to explain.  "I was hungry when I got back to the dorm so I checked the fridge and there were tarts chilling inside.  Three whole tarts!  So..."


*Heartslabyul Kitchen*

"Huuuhh, I'm exhausted on day one.  And I missed out on dinner, so hungry.", Ace reached for the fridge.  "In the fridge we have...  Ah, tarts!  These look good!  There's so much nobody's gonna notice one piece missing.  Thanks for the meal.  ...Wow!  This is amazing!", Ace speaks in delight.

"Of course it's delicious.  Trey does not make tarts that are anything less than the best.", a voice spoke in the night.  "There's nothing better than this!  Not even those sold in...  Eh, dorm leader!?", Ace turned behind to see the dorm leader, Riddle, standing behind him.

"You sure have some nerve putting your hands on things that belong to me.  Laws of the Queen of Hearts, Number 89: "One shall not eat a tart without the queen's permission."  Tart theft is an unforgivable crime!  "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!", Riddle declared.

"Gyaaa!!", Ace cried out.

~Flashback end~

"...the end.", Ace finished explaining.

Both me and Grim we're silent to hearing that whole ordeal.

"You're both in the wrong.", Grim spoke out first.

"Isn't sealing my magic for stealing a bit of tart going too far!?  For a wizard it's like having your arms and legs chained up.  And there we're three whole tarts!  There's no way he can eat them by himself!  There's got to be a limit to how narrow minded you can be!", Ace vented.

"Mmmmm...  sure... I guess.", I wasn't completely sure how to feel about that.

"What's with that lukeworm reaction!", Ace asked in a frustrated tone.

"Oh, it's nothing...", I say as I turn my head to the side with a thin smirk.  I swear I could see an irritated vein on Ace's forehead to my remark.

"Could they have, by chance...  Three whole tarts could've been for some sort of party.  Someone's birthday, or something.  I'm too good at deduction!", Grim interceded.

"Birthday?", Ace questioned.

"That would certainly explain his anger.", I say.

"Uuuh...  I totally thought you'd say he was being tyrannical, supervisor.", Ace gave me a glum expression.

"You're right he was being a tyrant but...", I couldn't know what to say next to break it down to him.

"You're at fault for stealing his tart in the first place.", until Grim did it for me with his bluntness.

"Go apologize tomorrow.", I suggested.

"Grudges over food are the worst.  Ah!  Wait a second, I never got my tuna cans from the headmaster!", Grim exclaimed.

*(!) You just realized. (!)*

I turn to Grim with a disbelief look, but glad he didn't remember me not giving him my portions.

"Fine.  Whatever.  I just have to apologize, right?  This is your idea, Supervisor, so you have to come with me.", Ace pointed to me making his demand.

"Got it." I replied.

*(!) Guess he doesn't want to be alone... (!)*

"Where should I sleep tonight?", hearing that broke my train of thought.

"You're seriously staying the night?  All the rooms but ours are still a mess.  Clean a room for yourself.", Grim exclaimed.

"Bleh, I am not cleaning.  Supervisor~  Let me stay in your room.  I'm slim so I won't take a lot of space.  'Kay.", as Ace says this, he moves in real close hoping to persuade me with his eyes.

I tried my best not to reveal the slight blush on my cheeks, but more importantly, if I let him in my room, he'll find out I'm a girl.  I can't let that happen, I don't know how he'll react, not to mention if he tells the whole school.  But my thoughts distracted me in the moment letting Ace move his arm around my shoulder to get an answer.  I had to move quickly before this gets more awkward and my face shows my expression.

"Yeah, not happening.", I give a slight nudge to his chest to move back as I turned away from his sight, hoping he didn't notice my face expression.

"Tsk.  Stingy.  That's fine, I guess.  I'll go sleep all by my lonesome on the lounge sofa.  Good night!", Ace took the notion well and made his way to the sofa.

Grim and I headed back to our room, relief to get some more sleep before morning.


*Large knocks at the door*

"Ugh...  Who comes pounding at the door this early...  Gehh!  This place is so rundown, dust comes down falling at the smallest shake!  I hear you!  I'm coming so stop hitting the door!", Ace opens the door.

"So you did come here.", Deuce spoke as he saw Ace.

"Ugh.  Deuce...", Ace grumbled at the sight of him.

"I heard what happened from the other residents.  You got collared after you stole the dorm leader's tart...  You are a complete idiot.", Deuce.

"Shut up!  I don't wanna hear that from you!...  By the way, was he still mad?", Ace.

"Not really.  He looked a little irritated at some guys who were late for the morning roll call but...  Three people met the same fate as you.", Deuce explained.

"He hasn't calmed down at all!  He's definitely pissed!", Ace freaks a little.

"Hey, hey.  Outta my way~  The Great Grim is making his way as a student of Night Raven College!  Look at my collar.  Unlike the lame thing around your neck, mine is very stylish.  On top of that, you can't use magic, correct?  You'd make a really good janitor today.  Nyaha!  I feel good!", Grim gloated and snickered at Ace.  We we're making our way to the main school building.

"You won't let the stuff that happened yesterday go...", I gave a look to Grim as he continued to walk in front of me in his own happy place.

"Grrnnrrgh!  I'll remember this for when I get my magic back!", Ace.

"The headmaster just told us yesterday to not make another scene...  Nevertheless, you're going to have some problems in class with your magic sealed.  Have you thought about apologizing to Dorm Leader Rosehearts and having him remove it?", Deuce points out.

"Crap.  This won't go well at all!!", Ace.

"We've still got time before class and I'm curious about the other dorms.  Let's go observe Ace's apology.", Grim gave a smirk smile, excited for his future entertainment.

"This isn't a show!  Screw this!", Ace exclaims as we made our way there.  With his reaction, I couldn't help but hold in the chuckle I had to myself.

I just hope Ace doesn't make this worse for himself, otherwise he may not be heading to good start this year...

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