Episode 4-16: Escape Planning!

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After the excruciating training regime we did, it felt like all of us could drop on the floor and pass out there.  Some of the students had to pick themselves up to drag themselves back to their rooms.  As for us, Grim and I were escorted by Scarabia Students A and B.  The walk back, it felt like my head was heavy with exhaustion.  Grim was again grabbed by the scruff by Scarabia Student A.  After they put us in our room, they had a little chat outside our room, and I decided to quietly listen in from the other side of the door.


"All right, the Ramshackle visitors are secure in their room.", Scarabia Student A.  "Let's check in on the other rooms.", Scarabia Student B.  "I swear there's been another escape every day.  Housewarden Kalim's been very cross about it.  It's gotten so bad, he's not even listening to counsel from Vice Housewarden Jamil anymore.", Scarabia Student A.  "How long will we have to live like this?  I just wanna go home.", Scarabia Student B.  "Oh, quit bellyaching.  You think I didn't want to spend the holidays with my family, too?", Scarabia Student A.

Soon after, I heard there footsteps walking down the hallway.

"Are they gone?", Grim.

"Yeah, for now.", Kalin.

"That afternoon training was so brutal, my meal was ready to come up the same way it went down.  We already know the headmage ain't gonna be any help here.  Which means it's up to us to get ourselves outta this mess.  Luckily, you've got my towering intellect over here.  I've got a perfect prison break plan ready to go.", Grim.

"Towering intellect, huh?  Okay, I'll bite.  Let's hear it.", Kalin.

"Heh heh heh.  I swiped our escape tool this morning.  Behold: our ticket to freedom!", Grim.

He pulls out a silver spoon.

"We'll use this bad boy to dig our way through the floor, one spoonful at a time!", Grim.

"You've gotta be kidding me...  That's gonna take WAY too much time and energy.", Kalin.

"They used to call me Grim the Digger back home.  Leave this to me while you stand lookout!", Grim.

"Ugh...  Fine, but only because I can't think of better ideas for now.", Kalin.

I then sat myself against the door, prying my ear close to the wall of the door.


*Dig dig dig*

"Wow, this is goin' smoother than I thought.  I think I'm actually onto something here.", Grim.

*(!) Yeah, we'll see how long that last. (!)*

As I kept an ear close to the door, listening for the signs of footsteps, I felt the same creeping feeling around my wrist.  While Grim wasn't paying attention, I peeked under my sleeve to see.  To my surprise, the red scales showed themselves on my skin again.

*(!) Why is it back now?!  Does it have something to do with Scarabia or the environment surrounding it? (!)* 


*Dig dig dig*

"Okay, I'm gettin' bored of diggin' into the same spot over and over again...  Kalin, let's switch places.  I'll keep an eye out.", Grim.

*(!) Yeah, I'm not surprised he wouldn't last long. (!)*

"Alright then.", Kalin.

I get a hold of his spoon and start digging where he finished, and Grim took my place.  As soon as I started, I saw some scales pop up further down to my forearm.

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