Episode 2-2: A Perplexing Raw Deal!

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After the quick conflict ended, it was yet to be the end of Grim's boasting though...

"Ha!  Guess who scored the last deluxe grilled cheese sandwich?  This guy.  That's why they call me Grim the Great!  Myahahaha!  I also snagged a bear claw AND a cronut!", Grim.  "Grim, that's all your getting, got it.", I try to make it clear to him.  He wasn't listening per say, but I think he got the message since he didn't try to grab anything else.

"Grim, you need to learn some restraint!  I'm really sorry, guys.", Deuce tries to scold him.  "Yo, Pops, gimme one of those roast beef sandwiches.", Ace cut in.  "Hey!  You're cutting in line too!", Deuce turns to Ace.  "Oh boy...  Might as well then.", I follow after Ace, since the cafeteria ghost took his order despite him cutting in.  "Kalin!  Not you too...", Deuce.

"Rats.  Looks like I'm late for the monthly bakery battle royale.  And now they're sold out of the grilled cheese Leona sent me to buy for him.", Ruggie.

"Myahahaha!  I'm gonna savor the flavor of this victory!", Grim says aloud.  "Pardon me, friend.  I see you were able to get your hands on the highly-prized deluxe grilled cheese sandwich.  Incredible!", Ruggie approaches Grim.  "Hm?  Who're you and whaddaya want with my meat?", Grim.  "Oh, I'm just a guy who really, really wanted to buy that sandwich you've got there.  but arrived a smidge too late.  Speaking of which, here's a proposition for you...  Might you be willing to trade your deluxe grilled cheese for this very exciting hot dog bun?" Ruggie.  "Whaaat!?  You must be outta your mind, dude!", Grim.  "Oh, come now.  Let's not be like that.  Here, have the hot dog bun.  I insist.", Ruggie gestors.  "Myah?  What in the name of tuna...?  My paws are movin' on their own!", Grim.

I over hear the situation after buying my lunch from the special sales.  And what I see next is unbelievable to my very eyes.  "You're actually going to trade?!  It doesn't even have a hot dog in it!", I go up to them and see what's up.

"Sounds like we have ourselves a deal!  Shyeheehee!  What luck that I found a kind soul willing to trade.  You enjoy that hot dog bun, I do hope you can find something to fill it with.  Maybe a squirt of ketchup would imitate the real thing?  Anyway, nice doing business with you.  Toodles!", Ruggie.  And just like that he left before I could ask what happened.  But he did give me a side glance as he rushed out of here.

"M... M... Myaaaaaaah!  My deluxe grilled cheeeeeeeese!", Grim screamed.

After picking our table, Grim explained to us what happened as we ate.  Luckily I was smart enough to not just buy for me but also extra food incase what he had wasn't enough.  What I had for myself was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a side of chocolate vanilla pudding and a orange soda.  The extras I got was more bakery stuff such as croissants, two Danishes, and a melon bread. 

"That's a lot of food you bought, Kalin.", Ace was noticing the big palate I bought.  "Yeah, well it's not all for me.", Kalin.  "Ah~  Smart choice.", Ace then looked to Grim eating comfort food as he groans.

"Aw, maaan...  *sniff*  This is *munch* the worst day *munch* of my pathetic life!  I can barely *munch* choke down my lunch!", Grim being dramatic.

"You just ate three pastries in ten seconds.", Ace pointed out.  He ate the croissants, the bear claw, and the cronut he had already.  He was now eating one of the Danishes.

"I still don't get why you even traded at all.", Deuce.  "I didn't!  It's like, when he put out his hand, my paw just shot out-- like it was copyin' his!  It all happened so fast...", Grim exclaimed.  

*(!) Copying his own...? (!)*

"Like a deer caught in the sandwich-stealing headlights.", Ace mocked.  "Nah, it wasn't like that at all.  But I... I don't know how to explain it!  Ugh, this stinks.  I need to eat my feelings, stat!  Deuce, gimme a bite of your pasta.", Grim.  "No way!  You made your "bread", now lie in it!", Deuce.  "Here.", I stuffed the melon bread into his mouth, and he was satisfied with it just like that.  Deuce sighed.

"Oh, by the way, guys-- the headmage said he had something he wanted to tell us after class.  No clue what it could be, though.", Ace brought up.  "It probably has something to do with what happened to Housewarden Rosehearts a few days ago.", Deuce.  "When he went all berserker mode on us?  Yeah, I bet your right.", Ace.  "Maybe he wants to lavish me with a smorgasbord of succulent fish for all of my hard work that day!", Grim was in better spirits already.  "Yeah, dream on, furball.", Ace.

"You know, that guy who came by earlier...  I feel like we've seen him somewhere before.", Kalin.

~Botanical Garden - Temperate Zone~

"Leooona!  Lunch is served, my friend!", Ruggie.  "...Is it noon already?", Leona.  "Don't tell me you've been asleep all morning!  You're going to fail more of your core classes!", Ruggie.  "*sniff* *sniff*  Smells like you actually got what I asked ya for!", Leona.  "Barely!  Must you always request the most popular item on bakery day?  Anyway, here: one deluxe grilled cheese and an iced tea.", Ruggie.  "Are ya braindead?  The fact that it's hard to get is exactly what makes me want it so bad!", Leona.  "Me, I'll eat anything, so long as it isn't moldy.  But as a prince, I doubt you could relate, Your Highness.", Ruggie.  "Hmph.  It ain't like I'm first in line for succession.  I'm second, so I probably won't ever be king.  I'm practically a commoner, really.", Leona

"That reminds me of the time you mistook a picture of my family's home for a doghouse.", Ruggie.  "Did I... really do that?", Leona.  "You really did.  I wish my perspective was so warped from a life of luxury.", Ruggie.  "Nah, the royal life stinks, honestly.  All that matters is the order of your birth.  Hard work and talent basically mean nothin'.", Leona.  "Hmmm...  I guess I could see that being a drag.  Oh, by the way, there's a housewarden meeting after school today about the Magical Shift Tournament.  Please try to actually show up.", Ruggie.  "Ugh.  What a headache.", Leona.

"As housewarden, you get the biggest room in the dorm.  You could at least make a token effort to do the corresponding job.", Ruggie.  "All right already.  Fine.  Stop whinin'.  Ahhh...  Now that my belly's full, I'm ready for another snooze.  Wake me after lunch break is over.", Leona.

"I'm not your alarm clock, Leona!  You know, I have my own-- ah, he's already out.  *sigh*  Anyway, that raccoon at the cafeteria and his freshman friends...  Where have I see them before?", Ruggie.

A little ways from where they are, a striped-tail moved itself within the bush it was coming out from.  A figure then rose from behind the set of trees and made it's way out.

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