Episode 1-12: Egg Destroyers!

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"Um, we wanted to buy all the items on this list...", Deuce.  "Ring up two cans of tuna while your at it!", Grim adds in.  "No, Grim!  We're not here for tuna!", Deuce.  "Don't worry I'll buy him one to shut him up.", despite what I said Grim took it with a grin of having tuna.  "What's this?  Cream and eggs and...  Quite the line-up of a list!  I'll get everything for you.", before Sam heads to the back, he rings up the can of tuna I ordered.  "Whoa...  He really does stock that stuff, huh?", Deuce was bewildered.  But to be fair, when I first came here with Crowley to get nightly supplies, I too was surprised he had the stuff after looking around what he had in the shop.

"Here you go.  It's pretty heavy...  Are you sure you can carry this?  Luckily for you, our 1/100th size flying saucers are 30% off today.  Perfect for carrying groceries!", Sam suggests.  "Ooh, lemme see!  That sounds awesome!", Grim.  "We're fine, thank you.  Let's go, Grim.", Deuce.  "Oh, that reminds me, Kalin, your order just made it today.", Sam called to me.  Deuce and Grim looked to me confused.  "What?", Kalin.  "You know this place?", Deuce asked.  I explained to him about my visit here the night I arrived.

"So what did you order?", Deuce.  "Here you are, protection gloves, as you ordered.", Sam brought up the gloves on the counter.  They were gray-black gloves with metal plates on sewed on top of the gloves.  "Oooh, so shiny!  And hey, you buy me ONE tuna can, and you get to have fancy gloves!?", Grim gave me an angry look.  "It's actually because of YOU that I had to order these gloves, and don't make me take back the tuna.", Grim reluctantly shut his mouth but still gave me the angry look.  "What do you mean, you bought them because of Grim?", Deuce.  "Well, you see, our first night at the dormitory we encountered ghosts and as Grim was trying to fight them off, he kept aiming fire magic in different places.  He almost burned me and some crucial areas of the building.  Or so I thought, when the incident was over, I realized one of my hands was slightly burned from the fire.  So I thought if I'm going to become his supervisor, I should have something to protect me from his fire magic.  So after our adventure to the Dwarfs' mine, on the way home I dropped by here to order custom gloves.", Kalin.  "Hm?  I don't remember coming here that night.", Grim.  "That's because you fell asleep happy 10 minutes into our walk and you we're out cold.", Kalin.  Then Sam grapped my attention to explain about the gloves.  "So, my little imp, how these gloves work is these are not just any metal pieces.  There magic metal material that protects the wearer from all element magic, but it doesn't protect against people's unique magic since it varies.  But remember this, so long as these metal pieces don't break or crack your good to go.  And of course if you need repairs or a replacement, you can come here anytime for a discount.", Sam.  "Yes, thank you Mr. Sam.", after putting them on they fit perfectly.  "They actually look pretty cool.  Alright, ready to go Kalin.", Deuce.  "Yeah.", Kalin.  "Myah!  I didn't realize today was National No Fun Allowed Day!  I want to hang out here more!", Grim.  "Let's go, Grim.", I grap him by the scruff and drag him away.  "Very well.  Then until next time, my little imps.  Do come again!  Ciao!", Mr. Sam says as we head out the door.

We made our way down the main street back to the school.

"That store was amazing.", Deuce.  "Yeah, and you're amazingly cheap.", Grim with a sullen face.  "Who are calling cheap!?", Deuce.  I giggled a little at their banter, but then I struggled to bear the weight of the bags.  "Hmph.  Kalin, looks like you got the bag with all the cans.  That must be heavy.  Let me take that one.  I've got a little trick for carrying heavy bags.", Deuce went ahead and relieved me of the bag.  "You're quite the power shopper.", Kalin.  "Yeah.  My mom always used o stock up at sales, and the bags would get ridiculously heavy.  I was the only man in the house, so I got to do all the heavy lifting, and-- Oh, sorry.  I didn't mean to monopolize the conversation.", Deuce.  "Hey, I don't mind learning about you, and I think your mom is lucky to have you help around.  It's great that you helped out around the house.", Kalin.  I saw some red light up a little in Deuce's cheeks.  "No, it wasn't like that at all.  The truth is, I--  Owww!", Deuce was bumped into by another student walking past us.  As that happened, the bag with the eggs accidently hit the floor and we heard a few eggs cracked.  "Myah!  The eggs!", Grim.  "T-the carton of eggs is totally smashed!  And now the bag's dripping egg good everywhere.", Deuce.  "Ouch!  Why don't you watch where you're--  Hey!  You're the jerks who broke the egg yolk on my carbonara!", it was the guy we ran into during lunch.  "I've had about enough of you punks.  You need to learn your place!", the guy that was with him is here as well.  ".... You're the ones who darted out at us from around a corner!  And you picked a fight with us at lunch over an egg that you were still totally able to eat!  And now you've destroyed six of OUR eggs!", Deuce.  "Yeah!  He's right!", Grim.  "So what?  You sayin' that was our fault?", Delinquent A.  "I am.  Please reimburse us for our eggs.  And then apologize to the chickens.", Deuce.

*(!) To the chickens?... (!)*

"Ooh, look who's got his big boy pants on.  You sure are makin' a big deal outta some stupid eggs.", Delinquent B.  "What?", Deuce's demeanor changed.  "They haven't even touched the ground, so they're still edible.  Quit whinin'", Delinquent A.  "You should thank us for savin' ya the trouble of crackin' 'em!", Delinquent B.  "Ah ha ha ha ha!", both laughed in our faces.  "That ain't funny.", Deuce.  "Huh?", Delinquent A.  "I said, THAT AIN'T FUNNY.  You don't get to call my eggs stupid.  You don't get to call ANY eggs stupid!  Those eggs may not have gotten to be chicks, but they were gonna make some amazing tarts!  Do you get it yet?  DO YOU!?", Deuce.

*(!) Oh shit, bad boy mode! (!)*

"What is with this guy all of a sudden!?", Delinquent B.  "You owe me six eggs.  If you ain't gonna pay me for em, then you're gettin' a bruise for each one!", Deuce.  "Are you serious right now!?", Delinquent A.  "Buckle up, jerks!", Deuce made his stance.

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