Episode 2-31: The Final Sales Tally!

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*(!) Disclaimer!

This is where the twist to the story I mentioned begins.  I hope you enjoy reading from this point on.*(!)

Ramshackle Dorm

It was late in the night, and a few days after the tournament.

"Well, that was quite an ordeal.", Kalin.  And by that I mean having to go through Leona's overblot, the magift tournament and my secret as a girl being leaked out for everyone to know.

"*snooooore*  Mnyah mnyah mynah... *snooooore*", Grim was crashing on the bed.  

"Guess I should get to bed too.  Good night, Grim.", Kalin.  I patted his head softly, since he was also worn out.

Later that night, a strange occurrence happened.  The mirror hanging above the fireplace was starting to glow a bright light.

"Is the mirror... shining?  Is this a dream?", Kalin.  I was weary as the light hit my eyes, waking me up.  I got up to look into it.  The mirror dimmed a bit as I stepped closer to it to look.  The next thing to appear was a shadow silhouette.  It looked like a man, but there was something on top of his head.  Almost like horns, but it was too blurry a vision to be sure.

*(!) Tsunatoro...?  No, the horns are a bit different.  But then who is it? (!)*

As I thought that, the silhouette disappeared as fast as it appeared.  But before it disappeared, it looked like it was trying to do something but I couldn't make out what.  I was too tired to think it over, so I went back to sleep.

The next morning...

"*snooooore*  Mnyah  mnyah mnyah...  *snoooore*", Grim was still sound asleep.

"I saw some sort of strange dream...", Kalin.  At least, I hope it was some sort of dream.

*(!) What was the deal with that black shadow...?  What was it trying to do? (!)*


The Octavinelle Dorm - Lounge

"Sales at this year's Magical Shift tournament were up to 12% compared to last year.  Not a bad haul.", Azul.

"Yeah, but this year we ended up closer to the bottom of the tournament rankings than the top.", Floyd.

"Just so long as we weren't at the very bottom.  Let's not forget that Magift is nothing more than a game in which students run around chasing a disc like dogs in a yard.  Now, a school event more worthy of the full attention of Octavinelle House might be, say...  Final exams.", Azul.

"Azul!  We received an urgent message from a client.  They wish to speak tonight at the lounge, in person.", Jade.

"Urgent, you say?  Well, we'll have to prepare a proper welcome.  I do look forward to learning more very soon.  Heh heh heh.", Azul.

"As do I.", a voice spoke out as they entered the room.

The three turn around to see their visitor.  It appeared to be Taika making an entrance.

"Taika, I don't believe you have an appointment at this time.", Azul.

"Don't I?  Well, it doesn't matter to me.", Taika steps forward.  Floyd makes a scary face as he approaches, and Taika just returns with a grin.  Like almost accepting his challenge.

"Well, it matters to me.  Now what do you want now of all times.  I have a client I need to prepare for soon.", Azul.

"I just wanted to see if there were any jobs you want me to look into.", Taika says casually despite the threatening auras the twins are giving out.

"Well I don't see anything that would be of interest to you, especially with final exams coming up.", Azul.

"I see.  Well then, that means I can request one from you can I?", Taika.  Azul gave a questioned look.  "Oh, and what would you want me to look into for you?", Azul.

Taika's smile grew wider.  "I'm glad you asked.", Taika.


*(!) Hey, this is the end of the Savanaclaw Arc and on to the Octavinelle Arc.  I hope you enjoyed some of the more input of Kalin, and the new characters I added in and it doesn't end there.  As you can tell, she will be more involved the more chapter arcs go on as well as Taika and Seth and more to come in the future.  But I'm sorry to say that I will be taking a little break to plan ahead for Octavinelle and give some attention to my other stories.  I will try my best not to be too long but I hope you enjoyed this read and want more from here. (!)*

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