Episode 3-4: Press-Gang Contract!

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Jack and I followed the three out to the hall of mirrors.  But instead of seeing them, we saw a whole lot of other students gathered with anemones on their heads as well.

"Oh, it's the Hall of Mirrors...  The place that leads to every dorm.", Jack.

"I was so sure I'd make the top fifty!", Heartslabyul student.  "Blast it all, I've been had!  That cheating cephalo-punk!", Savanaclaw student.  "My school life is doomed now.  Dooooomed!", Scarabia student.  It went on and on about the same thing with the rest of the crowd.

"Huh?  It's not just the three stooges...  There are other students here with sea anemones coming outta their heads.  I'm seeing some sophomores and juniors in here, too.  And they're all going through the mirror leading to Octavinelle Dorm.", Jack.

"Who's this cheating cephalo-punk"?", Kalin.

"Let's head over and see what's up.", Jack.

When it was our turn to enter the mirror, it took us to an underwater place like we dove straight into the ocean.

"Wow, the whole dorm is underwater!", Kalin.  "For real?!  Night Raven College is so cool!  *Ahem*  Just remember we're treading on another dorm's turf.  Keep your wits about you.", Jack.  Seeing how he reacted so excitedly was too hard to resist a chuckle, but luckily he didn't hear me with those wolf ears.

As we made our way to where everyone was going, I had a glimpse of the surroundings from the entry, through the halls, which was like going into an aquarium.  But then a thought occurred to me the more I stared at this underwater world.

*(!) Wait... could this be...  No, it couldn't.  It was just a dream, there's no way all of this was the same as what I dreamed of.  But... if there's a possibility that is was for real, maybe that man I saw in there could be here too. (!)*

"Hey, Kalin?  You done standing there or what?", Jack called out to me.  Hearing his call, I ran to catch up to him.  "I know this place is a real sight-seer, but we have to focus on what were here for.", Jack.  "Right, sorry.  Got a little sidetracked.", Kalin.  Jack just looked at me for a sec before moving on.

The final place we made it to was a place called the Mostro Lounge, and from the looks of it, it kinda looks like a club or something.

"I think we found where the Anemone Gang all went.", Kalin.  Seeing this crowd was so much bigger than the crowd back into the Hall of Mirrors.

"There's gotta be a hundred-- no, closer to two hundred people here.  What is this place, anyway?  Some kinda coffee shop?  "Mostro Lounge"?  Where did Ace and the others go?", Jack.

"Well, well.  What have we here?  A band of misfortunate souls who failed to break into the top 50.  Welcome to the Mostro Lounge.  I'm sure you all WELL aware of who I am, but let's go over it again anyway.  My name is Azul Ashengrotto.  I am the housewarden of Octavinelle Dorm, the manager of the Mostro Lounge café, aaand...  ...as of today, you have to listen to everything I say.", Azul.

"Say what?", Jack.

"You made a bet with me, and subsequently lost.  As per the terms of our contract, you are to devote yourselves to my service until such time as you graduate.", Azul.

"Hey, hold on.  This is all a huge scam!", Ace.

"You're... Ace Trappola, a freshman, if memory serves.  Your accusations are insulting, frankly.  I upheld my end of the bargain and provided you with an impeccably flawless study guide for your exams.  If you used it properly, you should have scored at least a 90.", Azul.

*(!) Wait!  Study Guide?!  Like what Grim had? (!)*

"Yeah, and I did.  I got a 92!", Ace.

"Why, that's wonderful news!  I'm delighted to have been of service.", Azul.

"But you never told me you'd given the same study guide to this many other people!", Ace.

"Yeah, Ace is right.  No study guide could help us break into the top fifty when the deck's this stacked!", Deuce.  When everybody else is scorin' over 90, even with my 85, my spot in the rankings is no different than when I was failin'!", Grim.

"Have you boys never heard of client confidentiality?  "I want an easy way to score high marks.  I don't want to flunk out.  I want to goof off until the night before the test..."  All of you fools-- I mean, gentlemen-- had your own reasons for seeking my help with your finals.  Details such as who made a contract with me, what kind of contract it was, and why it was made...  That's all privileged data.  Who am I to divulge someone's personal information to a third party?  I am a man of integrity, thank you very much.  You will find this exact topic covered extensively in the non-disclosure agreement clause on page 127 of your contract.  I simply abided by its terms.", Azul.

"O-okay, then what happens to the fire magic I put up as collateral for the study guide?", Grim.

"Y-yeah!  And what about my water magic?", Pomefiore student.  "Give me back my signature spell!", Scarabia student.

"What's this?  Have you really all forgotten the terms of your contract?  "I will provide you with a final exam study guide.  In exchange, you will leave one 'personal specialty' in my possession."  "Should you earn a spot among the school's fifty highest achievers, your power will be returned to you...  ...and I will continue to provide you with study guides for all exams until such time as you graduate.  However, in the event that you do not earn a spot among the school's fifty highest achievers... ...you will act with absolute obedience to me until such time as you graduate."  As outlined in the contract, I now control every part of your beings down to every last hair on your heads.  In other words, your powers are mine, to return or not as I please.", Azul.

"That ain't fair!", Ace.

"No wonder Grim and Ace weren't fighting with magic.", Kalin.

"Y'know, I've been listening to this while spectacle... and ALL of you disgust me!", Jack.

"?!", Ace, Deuce, and Grim were startled by Jack's entry.

"J-Jack?!  What are you doing here?", Deuce.


*(!) Hey guys, sorry this took a little longer than expected.  Stuffs been going on but I'm trying to plan things out so that's why I gave multiple chapters at once.  I hope you enjoy reading. (!)*

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