Episode 3-37: Home at Last!

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Shortly after the mess with Azul was resolved and set to finish for tomorrow, everyone went their ways back to their dorms. I went back with the Savanaclaw boys to their dorm to gather my things before leaving. Leona couldn't wait for me and Grim to finally leave now that we didn't have to stay and keep him up for the rest of his nights. Though Taika tried to charm his way into making me stay, but I'm pretty sure it was a jab attempt towards Leona not because he likes me or anything of the sort. When leaving, Jack came with us. We ended up meeting up with Ace and Deuce shortly after that.

We decided to hang around for a bit in the cafeteria for a bite. We took a mini victory celebrating before going back to the dorms. But that wasn't enough for Grim since he wanted more food. Luckily, Deuce mentioned that Trey had leftover tarts from the recent unbirthday party. Grim and Ace were all for it, but...

"Hm? Kalin, your not coming?", Deuce.

"Nah, too stuffed to have any more desert.", Kalin.

"I'm with Kalin on that one. In fact, I'm gonna go back to my dorm now. Want to have enough sleep before tomorrow.", Jack got up from the table and headed his way.

"Alright, see ya, Jack.", Deuce. The rest of us said our goodbyes too.

But then Ace made his usual grin, and the gleam in his eye gave me a bad feeling.

"Say, Deuce? Didn't Trey also make peach tarts as well for the last unbirthday party?", Ace.

The mention of peach tarts brought my attention, but I try to keep cool from the temptation he's putting out. Seeing my expression, Deuce realized what Ace was getting at and made a grin himself.

"Why yes, Ace, Trey did make some.", Deuce. "So then maybe there's a chance that there's a couple pieces left with the left overs?", Ace looks to me. "Ooh, if she won't eat them, then I will--", Grim. Deuce shuts Grim's mouth shut with a few biscuits. Grim was distracted enough to eat the biscuits as they now try to change my mind.

Hearing a couple pieces as a maybe was already making my mouth water. But it was true that I was too full from the cafeteria food. They both wait for my answer as they stare me down.

"..... Hmm... No, I think I'll take a raincheck. Grim can go with you, but I'll go back to my dorm.", Kalin. I then got up to leave and headed towards the hall.

"...Tch. Fine. But Grim will eat it if we find any.", Ace. Grim nodded as he continued to eat his biscuits. "Don't worry, Kalin, if we find any I'll save you one.", Deuce.

"Thanks, Deuce. I'll see you at home, Grim. See ya tomorrow.", Kalin. I made my leave.

Walking on the way to my dorm with the night breeze actually felt nice despite the cold air. But it wasn't as relieving as seeing Ramshackle Dorm again, but this time I get to come back to it.

"It's as decrepit as ever, but it's good to be back. There's no place like home, and this is as close as I'll get to one in this world.", Kalin.

*(!) Since after all this time, I've had no memory come back to me, telling me where my true home lies... But this isn't so bad. (!)*

Green lights glowed before I reached the gate.

"...These lights.", Kalin.

In the next moment, a person I didn't expect came behind me.

"Ah. You've returned. Who would have ever expected you to win a bet with Ashengrotto? For as doe-eyed as you look, you're quite the schemer.", Tsunotaro.

*(!) Was that a compliment...? (!)*

"I couldn't have done it alone though. Your advice got me there, Tsunotaro. What you said about gargoyles was just the hint I needed.", Kalin.

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