Prologue 10: Cheeky Mates!

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"They're all so cool~  ...Unlike a certain raccoon.", Ace changed his smile to a smirk that didn't give good vibes.


"Ffgnaa...!?", Grim was just as shocked and confused as I was hearing him say that.

"Pfft... ahaha!  I can't bear it any more!  Ahahahaha!", Ace keeps laughing hysterically and I don't think it ends there.

"Aren't you the guys who went crazy at the entrance ceremony?", he then pointed to my direction.

"You were summoned by the Dark Mirror even though you can't use magic, and you, monster, weren't called but still trespassed.", ok I didn't think I would get ridiculed about what happened so soon.

At this point I'd prefer the whispers behind my back.  I stood there frozen as he pointed everything out and couldn't rebut against any of it.

"Yaahh, it took everything I had not to lose it at the ceremony.", so he decides to release it all when we're alone.

"Wha!?  You're a rude one!", Grim rebutted against his comments.

"And now you weren't allowed in and regulated to janitor?  Haha, how lame.", I can already see Grim was getting fired up from how his ear fire grew.

*(!)Great, another jerk to deal with.(!)*

"Nyanyooo...", he's about to lose it.

"On top of that, you don't even know about the Great Seven.  How ignorant can you be?  I recommend you go back to kindergarten before coming to Night Raven College.  Pfftkuku...", he still chuckled to himself.

"Gunuhnuhuh...", he was ready to pounce but I grapped him into my arms attempting to stop him.  He kept struggling but I tried my best.

"Grim, he's not worth it calm down!", I held his head down with my one hand while my other arm tried to wrap him close to me.

"I thought I'd just mess with you a bit but you really blew my expectations away.  Unlike you two, I actually have classes to attend.  Keep this school sqeaky clean, you two.", he says as he starts to leave.

"This jerk! He's just gonna say that and leave!  I'm pissed now!", he really struggled to break free and my arms couldn't hold him anymore.  He got loose.

"Hey, Grim wait!!", I tried to reach for his collar hoping to grap him.  But it slipped out of reach.

"Fuunnaaaaah!", he blew out fire magic aiming right at Ace.

"Sigh... too late now.", well im screwed with Crowley.

Ace just turned around in time to dodge it.

"Oh my!  Watch out!  What're you doing!?", Ace starts freaking out a little by how close he was to getting hit.

"It's what you get for making fun of me!  I'm gonna light up that fire-head of yours!", ok now this is definitely not gonna end well.

"Fire-head, huh?  Heeee.  You've really got guts picking a fight with me.", Ace got serious and the look in his eye says he's ready to fight back.

*(!) You're one to talk. (!)*

I could've whispered it to him, but I feared he might aim at me and I have no magic or anything to defend me with.  Not even this broom I had with me.

"You too.  I'll turn you into a puffy, little toy-poodle.", - Ace.

"Ffgna!", he breathes out fire magic again.

*(!) And you're not helping. (!)*

"Uh-oh, gotta watch out.  Take that!,"  he was being coy about dodging his fire magic.  He blew out wind magic.

I gazed at how wind magic was formed with leaves and how it was manipulated into the air.  It also picked up Grim's fire twisting it in different directions.

"This guy is blowing wind all over the place!  My fire gets all twisted up!", Grim gets frustrated.

(!) Are they even listening!? (!)

No matter how much I call them to stop, they just block me out with there stubbornness.

"What's happening?  A fight?", student A and as other students start coming to see, I get shoved aside.

"Yeah!  Get'em!", student B.

"But despite how he is, he's impressive with wind magic.", I had to admit it, but he's still a jerk to deal with later.

"A flimsy little fire like that won't hit me.", he taunts Grim.

"What?  You better be ready!  Eat this!", breathes more fire magic.

"And I just change the trajectory with wind like... that!", he swayed the fire away from him with wind magic.

But along that trajectory, he ends up hitting the Queen of Hearts statue in flames.

"Aaaaaaaah!  Crap!  The Queen of Hearts' statue is charred!", he wasn't looking where he was aiming.

*(!) Or maybe not so good. (!)*

"It's cause you're blowing the fire around!  Just let me fry you!", Grim gets ready for another blow.

"You really think someone is just gonna let you fry them?", Ace responded.

"Enough!!!!  Just what is going on here!?", the headmaster just appeared right in the middle of them.

"Gah!  Headmaster...", Ace's face looked pale.

He wasn't the only one, I too was in trouble.  (!) Oh, crap! (!).

"He's gonna tie us up with the "lash of love"!  Get outta here!", both Grim and Ace make a run for it.  But they weren't quick enough from Crowley's whip.

"Ooooww!", Ace screamed.

"Ffgyaaa!  Hurts just as much in the second day in a row!", Grim groaned in pain from the sting.

"This is my Lash of Love!  It'll be another hundred years before you can outrun me!  I told you yesterday to "not cause any trouble", didn't I?  Then you go and char the statues of the Great Seven!  I very much would like to see you expelled.", Crowley was furious.

"Wait!  Not that!", Ace was a panic of expulsion.

Crowley then turned to me with a angry look. I came forward from the sidelines after the other students bolted outta there.

"And you, this is not how you supervise Grim.", that was all Crowley lectured to me, but I'm glad I didn't get as much as Ace and Grim.

"I'm sorry, I messed up.", it was all I could say, even if I explained he would just take it as an excuse.

"My goodness...  You, what's your grade and name?", Crowley turned to ask Ace.

"Ace Trappola, first year.", Ace sulked as he answered.

"Then, Trappola, Grim and you as punishment I order the three of you to wash 100 windows around campus!", Crowley declared.

"Nyaa!?  It's all cause this joker was making fun of us!", Grim point the blame at Ace.

*(!) But you didn't have to pick a fight about it. (!)*

"Eeeh!? Me, too?", Ace was surprised.

"Most definitely!  After school, meet in the cafeteria.  Understood?", Crowley gave all of us a glare.

"Fiiiine...", Ace sulked as he answered.

"Nothing but misery since yesterday!!", Grim also sulked.

*(!) You brought this on yourself idiot! (!)*

I know I was in trouble too, but I wouldn't be if it wasn't for these two idiots.  I silently glared at both of them, but they were too busy whining about the punishment put on us to notice.

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