Episode 4-37: The Magic Dispelled!

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A little while after he fainted...

"Ngh...  Where am I?", Jamil.

"Oh, good.  You've regained your senses.", Azul.

"Mrah...  That monster's gonna be hauntin' me in my dreams.", Grim.

"J...  Jahbeel...  WAAAAAAH!", Kalim.

"Somebody get Sea Otter a tissue already.  Guy's equal parts snot and regret.", Floyd.  "I suspect all that talk about punching him has gone out the window as well.", Jade.

"I-I'm so glad you're alive...  Sho glad...", Kalim.  "Must you always be so dramatic?  *Sigh*", Jamil.  "I... never knew how miserable you were all this time.  A-all this time...  *Sniff*  I never knew *Hic* just how much I put you through...", Kalim.

"Which led to this spectacular betrayal.", Azul.  "Yuuup.  Sea Snake's been mocking Sea Otter beneath his breath for pretty much their whole lives!", Floyd.

"Geez, and you guys say I'M blunt.", Grim.  "That's because sometimes, you kind of are...", Kalin.  "Hey, now that's-- Hey, your crying again!", Grim.  "Huh?  ...Oh no.", Kalin.

*(!) Not again... (!)*

The tears as always, shows up when I don't realize it, and even though it's a pattern I still can't predict when it happens.  Though now it felt like the tears was harder to stop.

"Ooh.  Little Shrimpy is cryin' again, lemme see.", Floyd.

Floyd was excited to see this again as he came around to see my face.  Jade and Azul were silent as they saw this event occur again.  This made Azul kept to himself within his own thoughts.

"K-Kalin, *Sniff*  Are you alright?  *Gasp*  Your not freezing cold again, are you?!", Kalim.  "Cold...?", Jamil.

Kalim then grabbed a hold of my shoulders out of panic.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  I-I'm not cold anymore.  This... crying out of nowhere, for some reason, happens on occasion.", Kalin.  "Truth be told, it's startin' to get old the more it happens.", Grim.  "You try dealing with this every time, Grim.", Kalin.

I still try to make the tears stop, but it was soon that my eyes started to feel puffy.

Meanwhile, as she struggles with her tears, Jamil feels a little relief as Kalim's attention goes to her instead of him.  But he can't help but wonder about the sudden tears she sheds.  He understands why Kalim would since he's an emotional sponge, but he can't think of why she would.  This makes him possibly curious to why she would cry like this as he looks at her.

"If I'm being honest, seeing this happen again, I can't help but be curious to what makes this occur.", Jade.

"...Hmm.", Jamil.

"Yes, well don't worry about me, it'll eventually stop.  ...I hope.", Kalin.

Kalin then catches eye with Jamil looking at her.  There wasn't a definite expression on his face.  Not one of dislike nor one of concern per say, just a casual expression looking her way and couldn't look away.  But the more she looked at him, the more she wanted to hide so he couldn't see her tears pouring out more.  She uses her sleeves to wipe the tears as best as she could.

"A-anyway, I'm the least to worry about right now.", Kalin.

She then looks towards Jamil, as did everyone else.  Jamil was caught off guard with the attention back to him so quickly.  When he looks back to her, he could see she was still trying to wipe off the tears from her eyes.  Kalin made eye contact with him, but adverted her eyes away as if she was sorry for diverting the crowd's attention back to him.

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