Episode 3-7: Observing a Foe!

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The next day...

"Yo.  I'm here and ready to get this Azul recon started.", Jack.  "Wow, you skipped class?", Kalin.

*(!) I didn't think he'd show up... (!)*

"Look, the headmage ordered this personally.  He'll let an unexcused absence slide.  Besides, I don't like admittin' defeat.  If there's a chance to uncover the secret to Azul's power, I wanna be there when we learn it.", Jack

*(!) Ahh, so that's the reason he came. (!)*

We made our way to the different classes Azul was in.  Getting the schedules of second years was easy thanks to the request of Crowley.

~Lecture Hall~

First Period - Music

"Traaa-lalala-lalalaaa...", Azul was singing.

"Huh.  Guy's got some pipes.", Azul.

"Are you sure...?  But then again, he's not necessarily out of tune completely... I guess.", Kalin.


Second Period - Animal Linguistics

"Mrooowr...  Mrr, mrah!", Azul.  "Mrooowr...  Mowow.", Lucius.

"Yes, yes, I see.  Lucius says that the last time you gave him a treat was three hours ago, Professor Trein.", Azul.

"Well done, Ashengrotto.  That's correct.", Trein.

"So he doesn't just understand animal languages-- he speaks 'em, too?", Jack.

"Wow... amazing.", Kalin.  "Hey, Kalin.  Focus here.", Jack.

"Sorry, I just didn't know there were classes like these in the school.  I hope I can try this without the need of magic since I'm unable to.", Kalin.  I was too distracted by Azul's performance that I didn't see Jack shake his head a little.

~Alchemy Workshop~

Third Period - Potionology

"A beluga tooth, a sturgeon egg, aurora moth scales, mermaid tears...  Add in an extract from 120 types of medicinal herbs blended together, and...", Azul.


 "Done!  You can drink this potion to transform a body part into that of a different animal.", Azul.

"That's a very good boy!  You just formulated a potion that would usually go on the junior-year class's final exams.  The rest of you whelps should learn from Ashengrotto's example.", Crewel.

"AND the guy brews high-level potions as easily as a barista slings lattes...  Sheesh.", Jack.

"If he's this gifted with his school studies in all different subjects.  This may be harder than I thought...", Kalin.


"I think I'll have some squid ink pasta for lunch today.  Ah, but I do need my vegetables as well.  An all-carb meal would be quite nutritionally lopsided... ...and more to the point, it would go straight to my thighs.", Azul.

"Seems like Azul's a perfect honors student in every way.", Jack.

Seeing how Azul excels in his classes and how difficult it'll be to persuade him otherwise just didn't put me into much of an appetite.  But Ace and the others was able to sit with us during lunch.  While I just moved my fork back and forth in my spaghetti plate playing with the meatball, I heard them voice their complaints about working at Mostro Lounge and etc. 

"Mrooow...  Azul sure didn't waste any time workin' us to the bone.  If I wasn't dead on my feet before, I sure am now.", Grim.  "Cleaning Octavinelle Dorm, waiting tables at the lounge, going on grocery runs...  He's been running me ragged.", Ace.  "I got called in at 6 a.m. this morning.", Deuce.  "I gotta go back to help out at the Mostro Lounge after this.", Ace.  "Housewarden Rosehearts was all like, "You made a contract with Azul?  Off with your head!"  He made me write lines as punishment...", Deuce.  "The sea anemone on my head just won't come off, either.  I look like a total goofball", Grim.

"*SIIIGH*", Ace, Deuce, and Grim.

"Pah.  You reap what you sow.", Jack.

"As much as I would agree to Jack's comment, seeing you overworked like this isn't right either.", Kalin.

"Kalin, aren't you gonna eat your plate at all?", Deuce noticed how I kept turning my fork over the noodles.  "Ehh... maybe.", Kalin.

"Well, if you aren't gonna eat it, can I take it before going back?", Grim reached across the table.  I just complied and slid the plate over to him.  That was the only thing that made him smile a bit.

"Grim!", Deuce.  "Can't you ever stop eating?  You just ate two plates of beef and rice!", Ace.

"C'mon, you gotta replenish your strength if were gonna get to Azul's weakness.", Jack.  "Yeah, if there IS any weakness to be found.", Kalin.

"Why the long faces, boys?  Oh pardon me, Miss Kalin.", Jade.  "Aha ha, look!  It's a sea anemone garden.", Floyd.

The voices belonged to the twins who showed up out of nowhere.  They were right behind me and hearing them startled me almost as much as Crowley does.  Turning to see them tower over me and seeing their smiles made me wary.

"Myah!  It's the lookalike brothers!", Grim.

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