Episode 4-24: Board Game Intelligence!

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After that little heat exhaustion escapade, everyone went back into the lounge.  With that, Kalim and Jamil lent me an extra Scarabia uniform to wear temporarily while my wet clothes were being washed.

"Wow, you look great, Kalin.  It's like your already one of us.", Kalim.

I came into the room after I changed, and surprisingly, it felt really roomy and comfortable in this uniform.  Though it is temporarily, I will definitely enjoy this while I can.  Jamil then handed me a cold wet towel to cool off with.  I then put it around my neck and pat it to the side of my face for the time being.

"It suits you, and it definitely goes with the color of your hair.  Though, it makes me curious how good you'd look in our dorm uniform.", Azul.

The compliment he gave me I did not expect.  It was hard to tell if he was serious or if he was just playing with his words again.

"You're feeling better now?", Jamil.

"Yeah, much better, thanks.", Kalin.

"Well then, now that that's been taken care of.  How about a tour of Scarabia, Azul?", Kalim.

"Splendid, yes, we would love that.", Azul.  "Aha ha.  Sounds fun.", Floyd.  "Yes, indeed.  I've always been curious what the Scarabia dorm holds.", Jade.

"Great, then let's go.", Kalim.  "W-wait, Kalim, hold on...  *Sigh*", Jamil.

Before he could try to stop him, they were already on their way.  Jamil then stood for a moment all quiet in his thoughts.  I just looked at him until I felt something latch onto my parachute pantleg.  I look down to see Grim, which he then climbs up to my shoulder.

"Hey, what was that all about?  It looked like you were out of your mind for a sec' there.", Grim.  "Uh...  Well, I...  I'm not too sure.  All I remember is feeling too hot, and then it was all blank from there.  The next thing I remember is finding myself in the fountain.", Kalin.  "Hmm.  Weird, so you don't remember what happened at all during that time?", Grim.

I shook my head.

"Huh?  We'll if you'd like to know, the great Grim can describe what happened.", Grim then had a smirk to his face.

Something told me I wasn't gonna like what I was about to hear.

"Well, before you were in the fountain, you did--", Grim.

"I think it would be best for Kalin to take it easy for the time being.", Jamil.

I didn't even notice Jamil approach us until I heard his voice.

"Hmph, you're no fun.", Grim.  "Do you know what happened then, Jamil?", Kalin.

I'm not sure why I asked him, but since Grim was cut off, it just made me curious of what I don't remember.  But when I asked him, he was silent, not sure if he should answer or not.

"Well... that was...", Jamil.

He turned his head away, like he couldn't look me in the eye to say it.

"Hm...?", Kalin.

"It's not that important.  All that happened was that you were overheated and then you jumped into the fountain.  That was it.", Jamil.

"I see...", Kalin.

"Now I know I gave you a cold towel, but it'll be better once you drink water.  Just rest there and I'll be right back.", Jamil.

He then left and went towards the kitchen.  While I sat on the nearest cushion with Grim still planted on my shoulder.

"Y'know, if your still curious.  I can give the details.", Grim.  "Thanks, Grim, but I'm good for now.", Kalin.  "Tch.  Well, whatever, I'm gonna grab some grub.", Grim then jump passed me to the food table.  "......", Kalin.

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