It Is What It Is

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Your POV

"It is what it is mate" I say as I put my headphones back on with a blank expression and Steve now has just broken my trust yet again, I knew it was going to happen again so I don't let it affect me

Steve pov

"Oh boy" Tony says making me look at him and frown as I betrayed y/n again I didn't mean to but it just happend... I feel bad so fucking bad she is one of my closes friends she just stands there looking through her phone ignoring me "why would you do that" Bruce says making me look down

"What did she mean by it is what it is?" Wanda asks making Vision explain

"If you know someone who uses the phrase 'it is what it is' They are fucking dangerous" he says and it surprises us all by him swearing as he never swears so he must be serious... "Dangerous?" I question

"Yes, because they no longer allow things that are outside of their control to affect them they have mastered the art of acceptance, so if you plan and trying to manipulate and threatened to leave their lives... guess what" he says as we all listen to him

Y/n pov

I can hear them as I haven't got anything playing through the headphones but I know what Vision is going to say so I speak up before he an

"We don't give a fuck" I speak up making them look at me as I look up at them and lower my headphones looking at them with a blank expression and I could see the hurt and worry in their eyes but I ignore it

"We do not care you can walk out of our lifes" I add and I can see that they are going to cry if I continue with my words

"We will open the fucking damn door for you" I tell them "the best part when someone asks if we're ok because you left our lives we're going to say that magical phrase" I say as I walk over to the door and open it before looking back at them "it is what it is" I say seeing the look in their eyes before standing on the other side of the door still looking at them

"You want to come in my life, the door is open" I say looking at each and everyone of them seeing a few tears fall from Thor, Wanda and Bruce

"You want to leave my life the door is wide open." I add and soon tears fall from Tony, Steve and Nat

"I just have one request, don't stand in the doorway you're blocking the traffic." I finish before grabbing the handle of the door and I can see tears fall down their faces "it is what it is" I say before closing the door

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