Come Into My Life

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"Then talk to us!" Tony shout as we are in a heated argument as usual... We haven't been getting along recently and he has just grounded me but that's only because I keep shutting them out and they keep pushing to get in so I've had enough..

If they want in and want to know what going on... Then I'll tell them

"I hate school, I hate my friends, I hate this family and I hate everything about my stupid life! So you can ground me dad... You can yell at me and you can do whatever the hell you want because honestly... I wish I was dead... I don't feel anything anymore and you want to know the best part? I don't even care... Because everyone who says their going to stay end up leaving me!" I shout and they all seemed taken back by my words but they don't speak they just look at me in shock

"But if you have a chance to tell them you love them... Tell them, if you have a chance to hug them... Hug them, if you have a chance to make them happy... Please make them happy, if you have a chance to hold them... Hold them... Because I learnt the hard way! Because I never got to tell them, hug them, hold them or even make them happy! Because it's always too late for me!" I shout yet again with tears in my eyes as they all just listen

"Do not! Do not come into my life if you are just gonna to fuck me over... I'm- I'm already hurt enough... I'm trying to be happy... If you can't be there for me when I'm sad... When I'm happy, when I'm anxious or when I'm worried or when I'm stressed..." I pause and take a breath still looking at them

"Don't... Come into My Life." I say before trying to calm myself down and they all just stand their now knowing how I feel but I didn't want to hear what they have to say so I just walk away and go to my room.

A/n hey sorry for not updating in a while I've been working a lot I've just been at my nans painting every room pulling up, and laying down carpets, filling holes, redesign every room, plumbing, gardening and the list goes on but yeah you get the point I've been busy helping my nan with her house along with my uncle and mum as I work from home but I haven't had a lot of time so bare with me okay? Cool Xoxo-Lara

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