Back To Life

378 17 1

... No... It was supposed to be me... Not her... Natasha... I can't let this happen... Me and Clint look at each other now where Nats body is but I know what I'm about to do can possibly kill me but.... I don't care... I can't live without her...

I need sun light for this so we both took Nats body back to earth and Clint has the soul stone but once we are back I feel my powers being restored instantly by the sunlight coming through the windows so I start using them as I get to Natasha's side with tears in my eyes ans I then take hold of her head and place her head on my thighs gently while looking down at her with a broken and lost look as the Avengers stand around us seeing she is dead and stand around in silence not knowing what to do or say

"Flower, gleam and glow..." I have to at least try even if it doesn't work it's all I have left "let the power shine" I can see the others look devastated but hear my words "y/n?" I hear Clint ask what I'm doing hut I ignore him and continue wih what I am doing "make the clocks reverse" I sing my powers show like I asked them too "bring back what once was mine..." Yes I am crying as I hold her lifeless body as I've always loved her from the moment I saw her

"Heal what has been hurt" I cup her face with my hands as my hair slowly start to glow and the others slowly also start to understand what I am doing by my words and they never new I have powers but Nat is more then enough of a reason to use them "change the fates design..." Change it for the better to bring her back as my once dark coloured hair is now bright and shiny "save what has been lost," save her and bring her back to us

"Bring back what once was mine..." No matter what it takes I will bring her back "what once was mine..." Bring her back to me... I barely see three of my tears fall onto Nats dead body as I let them fall and cry with her in my arms as I lean down keeping her in my embrace silently crying at the pain fills my mind, body and soul "y/n?" I hear a voice but I take no notice of who is speaking to me as I'm to busy mourning over the lost of Natasha "y/n" they speak again making me slowly pull back and look up to see Steve point at my hair to see it stop glowing and start to die...

My hair has always been long but I know this will kill me once the death has spread up my hair and up to me "y/n" I hear another voice making me look down where it came from and see Natasha waking up "Natasha" I say as she opens her eyes and looks at me sitting up as I am frozen not knowing that this would actually work but she look seeing my hair around us dying and by the looks of it she knows it is going to kill me and it's so close to me but suddenly she sits up and pulls a knife out and cuts my hair off below my shoulders stopping it from getting to me and killing me

I lose all power, energy and strength that I had in my body and mind making me collapse into her arms and she catches me as I no long have any abilities inside of me "I got you" she says and that's the last thing I hear before I pass out from exhaustion of using all my power and everything else I had in me to bring her back to life

-hours later-

Waking up feeling different as I felt empty... No sign of any enhanced abilities inside of me... I'm like what I've always wanted to be... I'm normal... I look around as I open my eyes and see I'm in a room laying on a bed but I'm not in my room I'm in Natasha's room... But that's is when I notice her underneath me holding me asleep, she has a heart beat and I can see her breathing as her chest slowly rises and falls with a softness to it but I think I woke her up as I moved to look at her and she opens her eyes and within a second or two her eyes are on me seeing I am awake

"Natasha" I speak still in disbelief of her sacrificing herself and now being here with me alive again but she is which makes me lean backdown and hold her a little tighter having a secure hold on her and I feel her also tighten her arms that were already around my waist firmly "I thought... I lost you" I mumble into her chest not caring that is her breast as I almost lost her for good and I feel her kiss my head also not caring how we are hugging "I'm sorry my love" I hear her say as I feel the tears well up in my eyes again making me sniff them back to the best of my abilities

I feel her rub my lower back softly comforting me with a few other kisses on my temple here and there before I pull back and look up at her "please don't do anything like that ever again" I speak with a vulnerable but firm tone and I see tear welling in her eyes too "okay..." She says but that not enough or me "promise me" I say with the desperateness poking through and she takes a moment thinking about it but she nods "I promise" she says making me feel like that is good enough "I almost lost you Natasha... I can't live with that... I can't live without you" I say with my eyes falling to the mattress as I speak

"I almost lost you too, I've come to notice that is the same with me to you..." Nat says making me lift my eyes again as it's true I did almost die too but... "It would of been worth it to see you live on" I admit and I'm sure she knows that by now that I have strong emotions towards her and I think she had noticed this moments ago even if I haven't confirmed it but I feel one of her hands move to the side of my face which makes me lean into her hand a little but I feel her shifting underneath me so I take notice of what she is doing as I feel her lifting her body up like she is going to sit up but that gets thrown out of the window when she pulls me by the back of my neck with the hand that was on the side of my face

She pulls me to her and I see what she is doing so I let her do what she is doing as my eyes close as her do too and our lips meet into a slow powerful but yet passionate kiss as I put everything into it as I feel her do the same and I didn't know she would return the feelings but it seems to be a mutual concept with us both and we both confirm it with the kiss that is soft and smooth as her lips are full and pillow like against mine as we share a few more small but meaningful kisses before pulling back

"I..." I pause taking the time to catch my breath as we both had to pull away from the lack of oxygen "I didn't think that you would like me back like that" I'm still a little shocked from the kiss but she smiles and leans back in and kiss me again

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