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(A/n (TW) mention of death.)

I'm at the avengers tower having dinner with them but my brother Peter isn't with us he is out on a mission but he should be back tomorrow and I miss him

'ring ring'

I realise that it's my phone that is ringing so I look and see an unknown number...

I answer it and put it to my ear


"Hey is this y/n Parker?"

"Yeah..." I say as I stand up from the table excusing myself as this seems important so I take a few steps away from the table but still in the same room as everyone

"Miss Parker, I'm so sorry to inform you but... Your brother Peter Parker... He was found shot dead in an alley dressed as Spiderman..."

I don't believe their words at first

"Is this some kind of sick joke? How did you get my number?" By now the team is looking at me after hearing me say that

"You're his emergency contact and I'm afraid this isn't a joke ma'am..."

Them saying this made me believe them as I am his emergency contact... And if he really is dead they would find him as spiderman...

No... No... Not my brother...

I could feel the tears starting to feel my eyes and my heart shattering into a million pieces and I could hear it shatter like a loud booming echo in my chest and head like a bang in a void

"Ma'am? Are you still there?"

I drop the phone as it falls to the floor and it becomes hard to breath and the sound of the phone shattering on the ground makes everyone rush to me as I fall to my knees as tear come to my eyes and fall down my face uncontrollably as someone holds me so I hold them back as I cry into their chest knowing the scent of my girlfriend Nat is holding

"Shh, it's okay baby" she whispers in my ear as I let out a silent scream of pain as my breath becomes shaky and uneven "I'm here, I got you" she continues to say sweet nothings in my ear until I calm down a little just enough to tell them what happened

"P-peter... Is d-dead" I say as I pull back with tears still falling and they all take a few moments to take in the information as Nat pulls me back in "oh baby... I'm so fucking sorry" she says as she rubs my back and Steve collapse on the arm of a chair and Tony sits down on a chair by the dinning table looking out into thin air and I can see the pain in their eyes

Thor looks at Wanda who looks at him and he places a hand on her shoulder as a comfort sign for her as they were best friends but she then hugs him and quietly cries into his chest so he hugs her giving her the comfort she needs

Clint looks at Vision as he looks back at him with a empathy and sympathy filled look before they both look back at me and Nat on the ground "I-I should of b-been there f-for him... He d-died alone" I cry into Nats shoulder as she kisses the side of my head

"Babe you couldn't of been there for him, you had strict orde-" I pull back and look at her and sniff a little "no! I m-made a promise! I made a p-promise that I would be there for h-him! And I broke it" my voice cracks at the very end and everyone can hear the pain and agony in my voice

I fall back and sit on the floor with my back up against the wall to support me as I put my head in my hands as I take a few breath calming down so I can speak properly "he died... Scared and alone and probably in pain too" I weep out with a sniff following

"All because I wasn't there for him like I said I would be" I get out as Nat sits next to me "don't you dare blame yourself, this isn't your fault... You couldn't of known this was going to happen" she says making me look up at her and she can see how broken hearted I am about losing my brother... My best friend... My only real family I had left...

I can see she is hurting to but she is being strong for me right now because she knows I need it, she puts one arm around the back of me and pulls me closer as I lean into her letting her comfort me to the best of her abilities.

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