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(A/n so this one was given to me as an idea so thank you Hun, you know who you are <3, I am running out of ideas so anything take you can give me let me hear it in the comments or just pm me and I'll start writing ASAP! Xoxo -Lara)

ADHD is a unusual thing as one second I could be paying attention to the thing I was supposed to be focusing on but then the next second I'd be interested in another topic so whatever my attention is on is the thing I'll be doing for hours without sitting still trying to keep quiet or just zoned out in general in hyper focus like now

I'm fixated on drawing and not just shapes or doodles no I'm drawing the thing I see in front of me... Natasha, I mean I love to draw extremely beautiful things and they have to be beautiful for me to be focused on it and sitting in the conference room for hours while going over a mission plan isn't the most interesting thing for me so zoning out while drawing Natasha is what my brain wants to do so that's what it is doing as I have no control over this so it just happens whenever

I always have a small note pad on me to writing things down so I don't forget but I almost forgot it this morning but fortunately I remember by some marvelous miracle but I've already drawn her many times infact but I just can't get over her beauty and neither can my brain as she gives my brain and lot of dopamine so drawing her stimulates it and keeps it occupied for a while

"Y/n are you even listening?" Fury's voice comes in play making me pause what I am doing keeping the pencil still on the paper before looking up at him "I am now" I let him know and he doesn't look to impressed but he can be mad at me as they all know about my ADHD and know either I am hyper focused or not interested at all unfortunately for him today I'm not focused on what he has to say for this mission

I remove the pencil off of the paper and place the note pad face down on the table while fiddling with pencil and my hairband through out the rest of the meeting while trying to stay focused but soon my interest is else where as by that I mean back on Nat who is paying attention to Fury as he speaks but not long after I think she felt my eyes on her as she looks around the room and then sees me looking at her and shows a little smile so I look away back at Fury with a little flush on my cheeks

-skip meeting-

Maria had given me a file to do with the mission incase I do decide to look at it but I don't think I will as when it comes to the mission they will give me a quick briefing beforehand but sometimes they send someone else to tell me about it after the meeting so I go to my room and when I walk through the door I forget what I came in here for...

Maybe my notepad will tell me so I go to get it from my back pocket but don't feel it as I'm always missplacing things around me so it's isn't unusual but I will have to back track my steps so I turn around and jump when I see Natasha leaning on my door frame as my door is open "hi" I awkwardly say and show a semi awkward smile to follow it "hey" she says as pushes herself off of the door frame and walks into the room and over to me

"Missing something?" She asks making me tilt my head but nod after "this maybe?" She asks as she holds up my note pad... "I knew I left it somewhere" I say to myself as I then go to take it but she pulls it back so I can't grab it "I always wandered what you was up to when you wasn't focused and well... My curiousness got the best of me as I couldn't figure out what you was so focused on" she says but then turns my note pad to show the drawing I had just done not to long ago and I don't know what to say or do

"You was focused on drawing me" she says as she then flips through the pages and see many more drawings of her with different poses, angles as well some different tones of shading and a few other things like nature or animals and all that but mostly her and this makes my face heat up in embarrassment as I never wanted her to find this out but I knew it was bound to happen at some point I just didn't know I was going to be now

"You're talent, that's for sure" she says still looking through the note pad "and it's pretty flattering too" she says and looks up at me with a pleased smile which I take notice of so maybe she would like something... Better, bigger you know "well if you're up for it I could actually draw you something like them but better but it will take time and focus" I speak as she holds out the note pad so I take it from her as she finally lets me take it from her

"What about now? I need to go over the missions case with you anyway" she suggests so I agree with her suggestion so she sits down while I grab my bigger note book with my coloured pencils and everything else I need before sitting down and she starts to explain everything to me and I listen to her while sketching her with more detail as my little note pad is small enough to fit in my back pocket so there wasn't a lot of room for detail like my notebook does

I listen to every word she tells me and her voice is so soothing and soft and when ever I look up at her she is basically already looking back at me with those green emerald eyes and flaming gorgeous red hair and skin littered with the most powerful and divine aesthetics but a light and sweet smile on her toned face which is the most bewitching about her in this lighting but it isn't the only thing that reals me in about her as I could make a list longer than my arms and legs that could wrap more than once round this world but for now my notebooks paper is being blessed with a portrait of a beautiful goddess

She had finished explaining the mission to me as I continue with what I am doing "you get everything? Or do I need to back track?" She asks just needing to know if I was listening and I was and am so I look up at her "I got everything" I let her know that I was indeed paying attention to her which makes her smile as her eyes fall into the note book "how far you got?" She asks wanting see what I have done so far "you will be able to see it when I am done but for now you stay there for me, okay? But I promise I will make it worth the wait" I mutter but she heard what I said as I look back down after taking a few more details and pasting then onto the paper

"Oh? And how will you do that?" I could tell she is smirking without even looking up so I confirm it by looking and I am infact correct about it as her flirtatious tone gave it away "don't distract me" I say and look back down with a slight blush on my face which I'm sure she can see as I hear her chuckle after seeing it and we sit in a comfortable fitted silence for a little while until she speaks up again

"Y/n?" I hum in response meaning I am listening "are you romanticly attracted to me?" I freeze upon hearing her ask this question pass through her lips and into my ears before swallowing a lump in my throat before I rest my arm that is holding the pencil against the paper thinking on how to answer the question "I uhh..." I pause for a few seconds still not knowing how to answer

"Well... You're extremely sincere and I do like that in a person as well as you being appealing but to more than just the eye and you have many reasons for me to like you as your personality is a list longer than the average persons but also mysterious and that itself is attractive to me and not to mention you take care of the people closest to you and I do like that alot s-so I uhh... I would say... Y-yeah" my nerves are going hay wire and the stutter at the end of my speech makes it clear that I am nervous and this makes a smirk form on her lips and I see her stand up as well ashear her come over to me so I lift my eyes and my head follows as she gets in front of me and crouches down to my height

"It's good to know the feeling is mutual" she says making my eyes widen a little bit knowing she felt the same but I was going to speak but "don't speak" she says so I don't and instead she places both hands on my thighs and leans over to me as my instinct is to back up but I can't as I'm already up against something so with that our lips touch into a irresistible and pleasing kiss that we share and this feels like he begining of something amazingly new

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