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Seeing my girlfriend in a coma isn't something I wish on anyone... I miss her I miss her eyes looking back at me and I miss her voice just speaking in general and I just miss her in person as it has been one month since the mission she was sent on had gone bad...

I haven't left her side apart from going to the rest room and most of the time Wanda is the one to bring me food and drink but I have lost my appetite but I know I have to eat so I eat what I can which isn't alot but it is better than nothing and I sleep next to Nat in a chair that is close to the bed she is in and I always repeat her last words in my head before I go to sleep as it gives me some kind of comfort

Even though I'm start to forget how her voices sounds and how her eyes look I have to keep hope alive knowing that maybe one day she will wake up and show me the green eyes that I had fallen for and let me hear the voice that I have longed to hear but right now I had just gotten a shower as I get the need to cleanse myself of my bad thoughts of her not waking up again but as soon as I'm dressed and everything I go back to Natasha and sit down beside her

This chair knows me more than my room does now and I'm a introvert so that is saying something but I look at Natasha as I take hold of her hand and lift it up to my lips as I kiss her hand softly before lowing it again "I know you might be worried and a little mad at me for not taking much care of myself when you wake up but... I need you Tasha, I need you to wake up now... Please... I miss you so much..." I pause and look down at the bed lowing my head to it and resting it there closing my eyes feeling the tear swell in my eyes

"I need you to come back to me Natasha" is all I can get out as I am close enough to the bed to place one arm over her tenderly and I stay like as I soon fall sleep from exhaustion as I haven't sleep in god knows how long days or even a week I'm not sure what the day even is as everything has just been blown out of the window


"Babe" it's like her voice hasn't even changed but I wish it was the real her speaking to me and I wish I could feel her tender touch to go with it like her fingers in my hair gently playing with it like she use to all the time and I guess my imagination is really good as it feels like she is playing with my hair now "y/n, my love" oh how I have missed her voice and touch so much to the point I forgot what it was like or that she had ever spoken to me before or touched me at all

"Wake up" why would she tell me that in my sleep... Wait a minute... I lift my head up instantly and go to grab her hand  but it isn't there whihc makes me turn my head as look at her to see her looking back at me with her eyes open... Those green eyes I haven't seen in so long I... "N-Natasha... Are you really awake?" I ask and she smiles softly at me and I feel the hand that was in my hair move to the side of my face and stroke my cheek gently "I'm awake babe" she says making me slowly stand in disbelief but in a heart beat I'm hugging her tightly but not to tight as I don't want to hurt her and she hugs me back as the tear just fall from my eyes

I could stop crying but she holds me and starts to pull me on the bed that she is on so I obey her as I know she has had a full month to heal while in a coma so she must be feeling a little better so I lay down with her on her left side letting out a few almost silent cries as she holds me "shh, it's okay I'm alright" she tries to sooth me with words of comfort to help me calm down and after a while I eventually do but I don't move as I feel her kiss my head and then stroke my hair gently

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" she must of figured it out by now knowing that she has been out for awhile after seeing my reaction to seeing her awake again but I soon come back to reality and wipe my eyes lifting myself up a little to look at her "I was so scared Tasha, I was scared that you wouldn't wake up" I tell her as she looks into my watery eyes and frowns a little "baby, you should know that I will always come back to you" she says making me let out a huff

"I should get the doctor" I say starting to remove myself from her but she firms her grip on me so I look back at her seeing that she is already looking at me "that can wait a little bit longer" she says pulling me back down to her seeing that I don't really want to go away from her at this moment and time so I stay with her longer in her arms feeling her warmth and hearing her heart beating inside of her chest

"I really missed you, so much" I mumble but she heard me as she kisses my head once again but let's it linger there for a little longer before pulling back as I lift my had up and look at her wanting to see those green emerald eyes of hers which I have fallen for and see how vibrant they are and it's just as I remember them

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