Aye, Aye, Aye

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"Aye aye aye! Come back here I'm not through with you yet!" I say stopping Tony from walking away "well I'm through with you!" He shouts making me shake my head in disappointment "nuh-uh with you it's always me, me, me... Well guess what? Now it's my turn so you just shut up and pay attention..." I pause and take a breath as the Avengers just stay quiet and watch this all unravel "you're mean to me you insult me, you don't appreciate anything that I do, you always pushing me around or pushing me away" I start off and I see Tony shake his head and huff showing me that he doesn't want to listen but he does as he hasn't got a choice this time around

"Yeah well, if I treated you so badly then how come you came back?" He asks making me look away knowing that he knows the answer so I lift my head back to him "because that's what friends do, we forgive each other!" I shout and he finally gets that I have forgiven him for what he has done to me after all this time when he treated me like shit... And I see this look of regret and guilt building up in his eyes

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