Hiccups and Naps

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People know I'm a mute for many reasons and I have spoken before but only if I feel like they are enough for me to speak to them and if it's a good enough reason to speak to them or if I feel like I want to it all depends of who, what and why

I'm sat in the lounge reading my book and "hupm"... I have hiccups so every now and then I make this little noise but now I hold my breath to try and get rid of them and I see Nat sit down next to me and I have to go my breath for 32 seconds and I'm not 15 seconds in and Wanda also sits down next to me on my other side and finally I get to 32 and wait to see if they are gone "hupm" the small noise makes them both look at me as I huff in annoyance that I still have them and I know sugar can sometimes get rid of them but I need to catch my breath before I stand up putting my book down on the seat "hupm" ugh stupid hiccups are so annoying "are you okay?" Wanda asks making me look at her and smile with a nod and I communicate using sign language which I have been teaching her but Nat knows it

'Hiccups' I sign making her look at Nat who chuckles "hiccups" she tells Wanda who looks back at me "hupm" she then smiles at the sound but I stand up and make my way over to the kitchen and get half a tea spoon and put the sugar on my tongue and keep it there as it resets my diaphram which make me sign heavily in relief "you're so cute" I hear Nats voice making me look over at her and see her looking at me...

Wait... So I'm cute?... Why does this make me blush, I show a shy smile and look down and awkwardly sign 'thank you' which is four fingers being pulled away from my chin and I can see this smile grow on her face as well as Wanda's seeing that I'm blushing from just that comment alone and it's not hard to make me blush or flustered as they have started to learn this but I walk back over to the couch were I was previously sat and grab my book back in my hand before I sit down

A few second later I feel a hand in my hair making me look up from the book and turn my head to see Wanda showing a soft smile with her hand in my hair gently massaging my head and I have no problem with this so I return the smile before looking away and back at my book but she continues to gently rake her fingers along my scalp slowly making my eyes heavy and I stopped reading the book a little while ago because of what she is doing to me

I feel another hand pull me back so I am leaning against someone and I can tell it is Natasha by her scent so I let her be and lean against her as my book is taken from me by Wanda as she sends me to sleep with the help of Natasha's warmth and they must of seen how tired I am because I didn't get any sleep last night at all so maybe this is why they are doing this?... Ugh god know but I'm enjoying it so I'm not going to question it as I let myself fall to sleep in their company

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