Better Than That

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The avengers are giving up so they need me to motivate them and that is what I am going to do so I walk into the living room to see them all deep in their own thoughts

"Somewhere along the lines you've changed, you stop being you" I say getting their attention

"You let people stick their finger in your face and tell you you're not good" I speak up

"And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow." I say and they frown at my words

"Let me tell you something you already know" I say walking in front of them all

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, is it very mean and nasty place" they know this but they need to hear this

"I don't care how tough you are, life will beat you down on your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it" I speak with passion to help fill them up with it

"You, me or anybody isn't gonna hit as hard as life." I frown at the looks on their faces

"It isn't about how hard you hit it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward" I see them share looks with each other

"That how winning is done!" I say and they look back at me

"Now if you know what you are worth, go out and get what you are worth" I point to the door

"But you gotta be willing to take the hits and I know you can take them! You're the avengers!" It seems to be working

"And not pointing fingers saying, you ain't where you wanna be, Because of him, her or anybody." I continue hoping this will work

"Cowards do that and that ain't you!" I shout and they stand up

"You're better then that!" I say and they all stand up and look at me

"Now show me the better you!" I say and I see Steve grab his shield

"You're right, we got this" he says making me smile and they all agree and then smile before coming over to me and giving me a group hug

"What would we do without you y/n" Nat whispers in my ear making me smile.

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