Once Upon A Time

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Us avengers are telling stories and now it's my turn

"Tell us the one about the mighty King" Thor my brother says making me think of the story of the king and I know this king... Well I use to but Thor doesn't know this as we have only met each other a couple of months ago but I told him this story but not the full story...

"Are you sure? It isn't a very happy story and doesn't have a happy ending" I say but they all agree for me to tell the story so I start

"Once upon a time there was a powerful king he ruled the world he ruled half of everything." I start as they all start to get comfortable

"I mean... Some really loved him, some really liked him and they must be really dim..." I say as they all look at me as I tell the story

"His smile shook the stenches of the rotten underground his snake like words manipulated those around... But no one cared because he was the king of the world and all around him." I pause and they all seem interested in this story

"He never got bored, jester, jester come tell them funny jokes, the king doubles over he laughs and he croaks hiding his insecurities behind a great grand cloak what a fantastic powerful bloke." It rhymes as well but I'm not where near done

"Knight great knight say where art thou with your fancy sword and your Turkish bow... Please, sir Knight make the king feel superior and while you're at it call in the fiddler." I've told this story a few times and people like it but it hurts deep down...

"All these distractions and all of his might couldn't help the king with this deep internal fight with his army he won many a battle but this one..." I pause making sure they are paying attention and they are

"This one was different..." I say and they all have a curious look on their faces so I continue

"The king sat high on his throne that was filled with hurt while all of his peasants below just moped in the dirt, he sat high on his throne both day and night but he was shaky, hiding behind his great might." I know the king was hurt as so was I but I don't mope in the dirt anymore

"Yeah, all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put him back together again because he abused then used and showed off his powers but that's another story for another hour." He did use them to much but like I said that's a different story for another time

"Once upon a time there was a fucked up king, he wore a fake crown and took all of everything that he sat on was made out of lies, so maybe... just maybe he'd fit in with the guys." He did try to fit in with the Knights but he didn't...

"Messing up his arm at 3 am his favourite hobby ever since the sacrificed lamb his servants saw right through the show this King, this ruler was beginning to slow." They all looked shocked even though they should of expected this but I was just as shocked as them back then

"You see his Kingdom was fallen and so were his walls you could see right inside see the true inner calls for help, he would scream both day and night but why would they help him?" I'm guessing their all asking what is going to happen and their about to find out

"He's the king with all of his might, so his peasants then left him on the floor to yell and bleed... Another good story to tell, so it seems..." I pause for dramatic effect and it seemed to work as they all edge on their seats

"Then one day they realise their fatal mistake." I look down remembering what happened next

"Thier king, now dead. Burnt himself at the stake." I finish and I feel hurt that he did that and left without saying goodbye

"Wow... What a story" Steve says making me look back up "how do you make up such good stories?" Thor asks making me frown

"Well, you know the true stories are always the best" I answer and it was now their turn to frown

"It's a true story?" Nat asks and I nod confirming that it is "how do you know it's true?" Wanda asks making me inhale

"Because I was his Queen" I inform them and by the looks on their faces they didn't know what to say and Thor looks down now knowing that it's a true story

"The heartbreaking thing is that, I loved him and yet there was nothing I could do to get him out of them depths" I add looking down not making eye contact with anyone

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