Trust you

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"You're never going to trust me." Nat says and were having an argument because she betrayed my trust

"Trust you! you think I should trust you?" I say

"Yes!" She says making me scoff at her

"Where has that ever gotten me?" I ask her and she shakes her head

"You're never going to forgive me are you? you just going to keep on bringing it up every time." She says

"Because I don't trust you! I can't trust anyone anymore!" I shout beyond mad at her

"Why?" She says making that anger turn to sadness

"Because the one person I thought would never turn on me... turned on me" I say as tears fill my eyes

"The one person I thought would never hurt me... Hurt me!" I add

"The only person I thought would never leave me... Left me..." Tears fall down my face from the betrayal I am feeling

"So tell me... Why should I trust anyone else?" I say but she is speechless so I just end up walking away.

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